Compassion Works: See the Impact of Our Program

A group of children jump up in the air with joy. Compassion International
Photo by: Kevin Nyakwada

Worldwide, millions of children live in devastating poverty, threatening their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. But Compassion International is on a mission to end child poverty by giving children what they need to thrive — mind, body and soul.

Since our start in 1952, we’ve seen the life-changing impact of our program time and time again. And through the incredible results of a recent study, you can see it too.

Here, we share that data and true stories of impact so you can see how Compassion, our supporters and the local church are uniting to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name.

What’s Here:

What Is the Compassion Program?

Release from poverty doesn’t happen overnight. Children living in poverty must have consistent support to journey out of it. And that’s exactly what the Compassion program provides.

Compassion’s program works to release children from poverty by meeting their right-now and long-term needs in partnership with the local church.

We empower churches in impoverished communities to provide nutrition, medical care, education and more to children in need. We also share the gospel with each child we serve, helping them experience the eternal hope only found in Jesus.

A group of children stand with their hands together and eyes closed as they pray.
Children at a Compassion center in Peru learn how to pray with the help of their tutor. 
Photo by: Fernando Sinacay

“They helped me be a better person, they loved me, and they wanted me just like I am. They did not treat me less, but they took hold of me and helped me with my obstacles. When I felt bad, they encouraged me and hugged me. But what impacted me the most was to help me get closer to Jesus, to know more about him and help me understand that without God there is no life.”

— Compassion program participant

Child Sponsorship

One key way we support local churches is through child sponsorship. Sponsors donate monthly to a child’s needs, allowing a local church to welcome that child into our program and provide the essentials the child needs to thrive.

Sponsorship provides the tools children need to overcome current obstacles and build brighter futures. Through consistent monthly support, children experience improved physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

As a result, sponsored children are empowered to break free from poverty and become change-makers who help those in their communities do the same.

Justine, a former Compassion program participant, now teaches children throughout Rwanda. 
Photo by: Emily Turner

The Impact of Our Program by the Numbers

We know that an issue as big as poverty can seem impossible to fix. How can one organization put an end to something that impacts millions? By releasing one child from poverty at a time.

Currently, Compassion supports 2.3 million children (and counting) in 29 countries. And we know that the future is bright for them. How? We’ve seen proof that our program changes lives.

Recently, we completed a study to understand the long-term effects of our program. We surveyed 99 Compassion alumni in the Dominican Republic who received support from our program in partnership with a local church.

Only 6.3% talked positively about their lives before registering with a Compassion center. But after receiving the love and care our program provides, they experienced a transformation that lasted into adulthood.

  • 97% said they were released from poverty in Jesus’ name.
  • 95% said the program helped them have hope in their adult lives.
  • 95% said the program helped them achieve their educational goals.
  • 95% said the Compassion center helped them have self-confidence.
  • 93% said the Compassion center changed their lives.

The positive outcomes don’t stop there. Helping children rise above poverty results in ripple effects that can change entire families and communities.

  • 92% said the program helped them provide their children with a better life.
  • 79% said the program helped them break the cycle of poverty in their family.
  • 90% said they now serve in their community, with 73% doing so at least weekly.

Compassion Impact Infographic

Compassion Impact infographic.

True Stories of Life-Changing Impact

No two children are the same, and each child experiences poverty differently. That’s why we tailor our program to each child’s unique circumstances, fulfilling their most pressing needs and adapting as those needs change.

As a result, children feel known, loved and protected through the support they receive. And as they grow, they become healthy, strong, confident and empowered to leave poverty behind, changing their lives forever.

Wendy: Medical Care Inspires Hope in Illness

At just 9 years old, Wendy was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Living in poverty, Wendy’s mother, Aidee, worried about the overwhelming cost of insulin. How would she ever be able to afford the medication vital for Wendy’s health? And what would happen to Wendy without it?

But through the Compassion program, Wendy receives the support she needs to thrive. Wendy’s Compassion center reimburses Aidee for Wendy’s insulin and covers the cost of a nutritionist.

Wendy is also able to have routine checkups with her doctor. Now, both Wendy and Aidee are free from the fear that came with her diagnosis and have renewed hope for the future.

A young girl and an older woman hug and smile. The older woman holds a blood sugar tester.
Photo by: Emily Turner

“When you have a healthy body, you can play, have fun with your friends and sing hymns at the church. You’re happy. And when my mom [leaves the house], I am not scared. I can take care of myself. I’m not crying anymore.”

— Wendy

Shanto: Child Protection Prevents Life-Threatening Harm

Shanto’s parents abandoned him as a young teen, leaving him without care. Each day, he worked whatever jobs he could find, no matter how life-threatening. He hauled heavy bricks and iron rods, trying to keep from buckling under the weight.

Although exhausted, Shanto still attended school in the evenings. But soon, the little money he made from working long hours wasn’t enough to cover his needs. Shanto feared he would need to stop going to school — until he was registered in the Compassion program.

Though the local church, Shanto receives the funds to pay for school, allowing him to continue his studies without the burden of dangerous work. And through the encouragement of his sponsor, pastor and tutors, he receives the love and protection he so desperately needs after being abandoned.

Photo by: J. Sangma

Leidy: Education Turns Pain Into Purpose

Leidy is no stranger to the damaging health effects of poverty. As a young woman, she’s watching her father struggle with the symptoms of Chagas disease, which will eventually take his life. While Leidy often feels helpless, she’s turning her pain into purpose by working to become a nurse.

Leidy’s sponsor, Reva, is a practicing OB-GYN and is inspiring Leidy to start a medical career. Through the support of her sponsor and the local church, Leidy is receiving resources to cover her nursing school expenses, a cost that would otherwise be impossible to afford.

Leidy resolves to keep studying so that, someday, she’ll be able to prevent the heartbreak of losing a father for others.

A young woman sits in front of a man outside with her eyes closed and head bowed. The man holds his hand in front of the woman’s head with his eyes closed. They pray with sunlight coming in from the upper lefthand corner.
Photo by: Emily Turner

“I feel like I’m a very lucky woman and very much protected by God and by people around me. So always, every day, before I leave, I entrust my life to him and that of my family so that it might be he who keeps us and protects us and takes care of us.”

— Leidy

Davis: Nutrition Puts an End to Hunger

Davis was abandoned by his father as a young child. His mother struggled to care for him and his six other siblings. And often, they went to bed with stomachs gnawing from hunger. Davis worked what odd jobs he could find, but it was never enough to support his family.

When Davis was registered in the Compassion program, he and his family began receiving groceries to end their immediate hunger. But the blessings didn’t stop there. Davis’ sponsor gave the family the gift of a cow, which changed everything.

The cow provides milk and calves that Davis sells to provide for his family. And from one cow, Davis hopes to start a dairy farm, increasing his family’s income for years to come.

Davis no longer has to focus primarily on his physical wellbeing. Instead, he can turn his focus to achieving a brighter future beyond poverty.

Photo by: Emily Turner

Every Child Experiences the Hope of the Gospel

While we provide children with custom support depending on their needs, there’s one thing we share with every child, regardless of their circumstances: the gospel. Although children in poverty face many challenges, they can find eternal hope in Jesus.

The evidence of the life-changing gospel can be seen in the stories of the children we serve.

Wendy is now free from fear and is physically able to sing praises to the One who cares for her body and soul.

Shanto now knows his heavenly Father, who stands by his side and never leaves or forsakes him.

Leidy now sees that she can do all things through him who strengthens her, from becoming a nurse to caring for her dying father.

Davis, raised Muslim, now chooses to follow Jesus as he journeys out of poverty.

The Ripple Effects of Releasing Children From Poverty

Through Compassion’s program, Wendy, Shanto, Leidy, Davis and millions of other children are receiving the love, care and hope they need to be released from poverty in Jesus’ name.

Filled with the love and confidence of Christ, these children will now start ripple effects of change in their families, communities and the world.

Just like the numbers and stories above show the proof of our program’s impact, the documentary below shows the long-term effects of us uniting to fight back against poverty by releasing one child at a time in Jesus’ name.

Make an Impact With Compassion

Your yes to sponsorship will help us release a child from poverty in Jesus’ name, impacting families, communities and the world.

Sponsor a Child

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