Are your children pretty web savvy? Do they spend a LOT of time online? I mean are they typical kids? 🙂
How about you? Are you a kid at heart?
If you said yes to any of these questions, we have some exciting news just for you.
We just launched our new kid’s Web site, Quest for Compassion, and we think that it is not only engaging but entertaining too! We love it, and are confident that your kids will as well. Not only is the site fun, but it’ll educate your youngsters all about the ministry of Compassion.

The site is designed for children between the ages of 6 and 10, and it provides a virtual opportunity for them to travel around the world — to four different countries where we work: Ghana, Bangladesh, El Salvador and Brazil.
It helps your kiddos experience a Compassion child development center and the surrounding community, and will give them perspective on what a child’s life in the developing world is like.
Each child will “build his or her own buddy” to travel with — by choosing gender and skin color — and will be able to give the buddy a name. Then they can pick a region of the world to travel to.
Each town and country is filled with objects to click on and games to play. And with the help of their “buddies,” your world travelers can also learn key words and phrases in each country’s native language. Through these various games and fun facts, your children will get to see and hear about the life and culture of our Compassion kids around the globe.
We created the Web site through the use of real-life still shots taken in the countries where we work, which we brought to life through the use of animated children, teachers and animals that your children will meet along the way.

This is a new, fun and safe way for children, and even for you, to learn more about our ministry.
Visit the site today with your children to discover who and what awaits you! And be sure to tell us what you think.
23 Comments |Add a comment
Love this…I’m looking forward to sharing with my own kids and with a much broader audience in my children’s ministry program.
Thanks so much for giving us age appropriate tools for sharing Compassion with the kids in our lives. Keep it coming!!
This is a fantastic resource! As a primary teacher in a Christian School this is a great tool to use in our Humanities and Christian Ed classes to futher educate our students on global issues at a level that they can understand.
Great job Compassion!!
This is the coolest!
@Lisa Miles –
Lisa, so glad to hear you talk about using this for homeschooling. That’s one of our hopes is that parents and teachers will embrace this site as a learning tool.
@Jenn –
Jen, yes! Stay tuned, we’re working on all sorts of things for kids of all ages!
If you guys think the fishing game is tough, wait til you try the soccer game in Brazil! Took me like 20 tries!
Regarding the pig in Ghana: Here’s a hint. It’s not a live pig, but a meat vendor.
@Emily – Out of all four countries and all the items that need to be found, the pig was the hardest for me. Because to me it doesn’t look like a pig. I just moved my cursor around and around and around, and finally got lucky. It’s in there. 🙂
I LOVE it! I just spent some time playing and can’t wait to have my kids try it out tomorrow. Thanks for such a great tool in helping our children learn about kids in poverty!
I love this, well done! Can I say, I’ve just been playing Ghana – I can’t find the pig! Where is it?? Perhaps a child can help me!
Really great!
I must join the ranks of those of us in our 20s…I played it, it’s always shameful when a game built for kids stumps a 23 yo! I can’t find the flute in El Salvador, and that fish game (again in El Salvador) is REALLY hard! (My highest score is 7 fish, I think) I like the pronunciation of words in the game, and the info tidbits.
Awesome idea!! I’m 23, but I don’t mind admitting I like things geared towards kids just as much as adult-orientated ones! I’ll be checking out your new site right away! Looking forward to it! 🙂
The characters are a little gangsta, I like it!
The site is so cute!
This is an awesome idea! I enjoyed it, and I’m 20 :p
I’ll have to tell the kids in my church about this.
This is WONDERFUL!!!! What a great idea. Love it, love it, love it.
We’ve recently made the decision to homeschool our daughter. I’ve been on the lookout for fun, educational things that we can do with her and now, to find something like this on my very favorite website. Yay!
I’m going to forward this on to my friends who are moms — and when we eventually get tapped into a homeschooling group, it will be a great way to share Compassion with them, as well.
This is AWESOME! I’ve often tried to emphasize how important our prayers are for our sponsored children…and try to have my 5 year old understand what poverty is…this is amazing….thank you so much!
Very cool…can’t wait to check it out!
This sounds like a really amazing idea!!! I’ll try it out with my 6 y/o niece tonight and see how she likes it!!! Awesome! 🙂
Great idea! My kids are a little young for this site yet. Is there anything in the works to reach those younger ages too?
Totally cool….what an awesome idea! My kids are teenagers but I am still going to show them…
I thought the game was great, however the Philippines wasn’t even shown on the geography of the map!!! I hope it is not all under water!!! B/c I am visiting in June!!! I will pray it resurfaces!!!