It is true that African children face a myriad of challenges as they grow up. But what is also true about African children is: they love, play, learn, hope, dream, pray — they live!
You can also view the Africa’s Children video on YouTube.
It is true that African children face a myriad of challenges as they grow up. But what is also true about African children is: they love, play, learn, hope, dream, pray — they live!
You can also view the Africa’s Children video on YouTube.
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6 Comments |Add a comment
this makes me smile my we sponsor a child from Africa!
That video gives me great hope 🙂
es muy importante como Dios se manifiesta en cada niño y ellos hacen la diferencia hace poco en nicaragua estuvo un hermano de uganda y es lindo escuchar todo lo que sucede en esos lugares Dios le bendiga
Beautiful video! I love watching videos of children like this.
When I first started to sponsor children 31 years ago, I tended to pick children from India. In the last decade or so, God has put in my heart to sponsor African girls – teenagers mostly. Doesn’t actually matter whom I sponsor or where they are from, sponsorship has been a huge blessing to ME as much as those who are sponsored. I want to keep sponsoring for life!
Dear Ruth, I was 15 yrs. old when I first sponsored a child. she was from India . I am well into my 50 s now and like you I think God has laid Africa on my heart. My beautiful girls are being raised by grandmothers or step families. From Tanzania to Rwanda and Burkina Faso. I tell them in every letter/card sent how grateful I am to be a part of their lives. What a Blessing God has given us.
I recently returned from two weeks in Kenya, and I can tell you from experience that African children are precious! (But aren’t they all?)
African children certainly do face challenges that most of us in America will never face. Please consider sponsoring a child in Africa-it will make all the difference!