Compassion Alumni Becomes an Entrepreneur Success Story

Man standing next to shelves with bottles.

People love and respect David. Almost everyone calls him when they need veterinary services for their animals. Neighboring villages also seek out his help.

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But Then, We Had Compassion

palm tree with buildings behind it

Irene and her country, once torn apart by the evil of genocide, now rise from destruction with songs of praise.

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Back of a child wearing a blue uniform shirt with a center number and skippy image

Welcome to Ghana!

Welcome to Ghana and welcome to the Calvary Bible Child Development Center!

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Three boys sitting at desks all wearing green sweaters

Kenya’s Maasai: Caught Between Two Worlds

In a fast changing Kenya, the Maasai are learning the importance education plays in the evolution of their tribe into modern society.

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Schools in Kenya Evans the teacher

25 Years After Child Sponsorship

Evans grew up during a time of critical political and socio-economic change at both a local and national level in Kenya. But Evans had other challenges to confront beyond politics.

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A smiling child wearing a pink dress and orange blanket standing in front of a fence

Out of the Mouths of Babes

“A child in Indonesia wanted to know if people in Canada had hair on their feet to protect them from the cold.” Another child asked, “Is math the same in every country?”

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Support Kids: What Happens When a Child Isn't Sponsored?

What Happens When a Child Isn’t Sponsored?

When someone stops sponsoring a child, the Unsponsored Children’s fund fills the gap so that children can continue to receive support until a new sponsor is found. For 9-year-old Happy, this fund helped save her life.

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Hannifah and Deborah

Living with HIV: One Mother’s Journey

Born in Uganda with HIV/AIDS, Hannifah lost her mother when she was only one month old. She was a very sickly child, always being taken to hospital and her father considered her a burden.

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African children dancing

He Go Go

Not every child may have the skills or desire to be in the Leadership Development Program, but they do have talents singing or dancing.

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family walking along dirt road in a village

Remembering Abigail

Abigail lives in Ghana, is the youngest of six siblings, and her father died when she was three years old. Abigail taught her sponsor to enjoy letters from preschool and early elementary children.

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three seedling trees

Beginnings and Seedlings: The Value of Trees

Beginnings may not be glamorous, but most worthy causes start small. We fail to remember little choices and little seeds can grow into something massive. Trees are a prime example.

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Two children walking on a dirt path.

I Have Malaria (or Thought I Did)

I came home from Ghana with severe chills, headache and a fever. I’d been in Africa two weeks, and these symptoms alarmed me. Could I be infected with malaria?

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