Poverty is Hard to Swallow

scooping up water with plastic jug

You can help quench the world’s thirst. You have the freedom to act.

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H is for Hunger

Here’s a sad bedtime story: One out of seven people in the world go to bed hungry every night, victims of extreme poverty.

You can help them have a happier ending – compassion.com/youcan

an open book with boy on a mat

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Preventable Causes of Death

Diarrhea. Unclean water. Measles. Pneumonia. Tuberculosis. Malaria. Every day 25,000 children younger than 5 die from mostly preventable causes. Why?

several cross headstones depicting preventable diseases

Because they live in poor countries that aren’t a priority to developed nations. But they’re still a priority to God.

And they can be yours, too – compassion.com/youcan

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