Many of us are allergic to business jargon. Nothing can make people start itching faster than sitting in a meeting and hearing words like “strategy,” “assessment,” or — horror of horrors — “best practice methodology.”
“Partnership” can be one of those abstract business-like words that make our eyes glaze over. The word has been used to mean a lot of things to a lot of people until it hardly means anything to anyone. What is partnership?

Partnership is at the center of what we do at Compassion. We not only partner with you, our sponsors and donors, but also with the local church around the world. So it’s worth understanding what we mean by partnership and how we do it.
The word “partnership” is derived from the Latin word for “portion.” In partnership, we share a portion with each other.

Partnership should achieve a vision that is mutually desired and that cannot be achieved by any one partner alone. It is not simply having tea together. It is having tea in order to work together on something that you both care about and can’t do alone.
With this in mind, this is how we define partnership:
“A Compassion partnership is a collaborative and mutually beneficial relationship between Compassion and another entity for the purpose of releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name beyond the capacity of either partner individually.”
Our definition is based on three things:
- A common mission to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name. This is the only purpose for which we will enter into partnerships.
- A collaborative relationship. Both parties must actively build relationship with each other and cooperate willingly on the mission.
- Mutual respect and mutual benefit. We recognize that we need one another to accomplish the mission.
And based on these three things, we have developed a set of principles that guide us toward healthy, God-honoring partnerships.
They apply to our relationships with you and our supporting church partners; they apply to strategic ministry relationships; and they apply to our implementing church partners.
Partnership Is Founded Upon Our Identity in Christ.
In Christ we are one body with many parts. Each part offers unique service and is equally important to the health of the body. Each partner, irrespective of size, power or resources, is valued. No partner is viewed as more important than the other. This can be achieved only if we are committed to the attitude of Christ and “having the same love … and in humility count others more significant than yourselves” (Philippians 2:2-3).
Partnership Seeks Mutually Respectful and Beneficial Relationships
No partner should use the other for its own goals, but should develop genuine, mutually respectful, and beneficial relationships. A partner does not lord over or “do mission” for the other. Rather, a partner seeks to help, empower and serve the other to enrich their shared ministry.
We give priority to relationships over tasks and projects. When relationships empower, rather than impose agendas, all partners are transformed in the process.

Partnership Accepts Mutual Responsibility and Commitment
Partnership takes the commitments made to one another with utmost seriousness and works in collaboration, without dominance, exploitation or condescension.
Increased trust is built through partners being accountable to each other, ensuring that their words and actions are consistent. Partnership requires an enduring commitment to not only the common vision but also to each other.
Partnership Produces Visible Transformation and Outcomes
Partnership does not exist as an end in itself. It exists for the purpose of advancing the kingdom of God further, better and/or faster than either party could do alone.
For us, partnership exists for the shared goal of releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name. The essence of partnership is that one plus one equals more than two. We enter into partnerships in order to do something we cannot do alone or that we can do better together.
“A mosaic consists of thousands of little stones. Some are blue, some are green, some are yellow, and some are gold. When we bring our faces close to the mosaic, we can admire the beauty of each stone. But as we step back from it, we can see that all these little stones reveal to us a beautiful picture, telling a story none of these stones can tell by itself.
That is what our life in community is about. Each of us is like a little stone, but together we reveal the face of God to the world.” Henri J. Nouwen, The Mosaic That Shows Us the Face of God
At Compassion, we are deeply honored to be part of the thousands of little stones that God is using to build a beautiful mosaic. Together we are telling a story that none of us could tell by ourselves.
Through our commitment to and relationship with one another, we are revealing the face of God to the world and advancing His kingdom by releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name.
This post was originally published on January 28th, 2012.
42 Comments |Add a comment
Praise God and many thanks for the charity and compassion to the children. Releasing children from poverty in Jesus Name in one miracle that has happened to the children that almost every one has heard, I would love to have an opportunity to partner with you in this child Ministry.
will greatly appreciate your acceptance
Pastor Bosco musoba – UGANDA
Hello Pastor Bosco, we greatly appreciate your kind words and support of our mission. Thank you for your desire to minister to the children in need in your community. Please email us at [email protected] so we can discuss the possibility of partnering with your church. We look forward to hearing from you. God bless you!
Thank you and God bless you
Thank you very much for the commitment, well done, and let God release more resources to accomplish the vision.
Be blessed in Jesus name.
ABONGO DANIEL from Uganda.a student of vision Christian college Australia.
Greetings to you from John Babu,
We are ready to work with you in our state of Andhra, we wish you to kindly support us and take us forward.
Thank you very much
Hi John. Will you please send us an email at [email protected] so that we can further assist you? Thank you!
Dear sir/madam,
My name is Zakayo Lameck Lucas,
and I am a founder and an Executive Director at Glorious Foundation Tanzania, a non-profit Registered organization Located at Mirongoine Village Oljoro Ward Arusha Region with the mission of promoting community development in our country through poverty alleviation strategies.
In 2021, Glorious Foundation Tanzania, We planned to provide children and families with quality and accessible education at Mirongoine village Arusha Region Tanzania.
GLORIOUS FOUNDATION TANZANIA with the plann of starting its first project,
We got donations from Peace groups, home donors and Mirongoine community and their Contributions helped us to buy the land of three acres for the construction of classrooms,Dormitories,Staff rooms,Toilet,Kitchen and library room.
This first achievement of having a Land of three acres has encouraged us to dream bigger, since there was still a long way to go to fulfill one of our most ambitious objectives as an organization.
To ensure better access to education through facilities and learning materials.
We took a step further and make a new dream come true, to start to build the Glorious Foundation pre and primary English medium school where all subjects will be taught in English Language.
This will be helpfully because English is the main language used in secondary schools and it will prepare our children for the next steps of their educational journey and contribute to reduce dropout rates.
We planned this project to be developed through the course of two years.
The Glorious Foundation Project of Buliding Classrooms,Dormitory and a library room started in January 2021.
Its first two phases obtaining the construction Permit and securing construction area- have been completed, and the local community has collaborated with the friends Contributions of construction materials and unskilled labor.
We are now looking for partners to fund the finishing up construction of six classrooms and starting the construction of four staff rooms,
a dormitory, toilets and a kitchen, and we believe that a partnership with an experienced and recognized institution like COMPASSION would give our project its much needed trust to be successful and sustainable.
We firmly believe that quality education forms the basis upon which other fundamental goals are reached, and that sustainable development is an ideal that requires strong and deep roots in order to take form.
Guaranteeing safe and continuous access to school is the key to this, and thus it is our obligation as a society to provide the means to successfully complete formal education.
Thank you for taking your time to read our story, we are hopeful you will have the chance to join our efforts to give Mirongoine Village an opportunity to improve its quality of life and create a sustainable and replicable model that will ensure access to quality education for all Tanzanians.
I am looking forward to hear from you.
Zakayo Lameck Lucas,
Executive Director,
Glorious Foundation Tanzania.
Zakayo, thank you for your detailed message sharing about the work your organization is doing in Tanzania. I see that you have also sent us a message about this on Facebook. Please know that we have received your message and will be happy to continue this conversation with you there. We look forward to hearing from you!
We are the church called Free pentecostal church of Tanzania, should we allowed to apply for partnership with you?
Hi Pastor Ibrahim! We appreciate your desire to partner with us. Please email us at [email protected] to see if we can help you. Thank you!
I invite you to be a blessing to our church/community
Hi, Linus. Thank you for your comment! Would you kindly send us an email to [email protected] so we can better understand the situation? Thanks!
I wish to connect to you
Hello Frankline! Thank you for reaching out to us. Can you please email us at [email protected] so we can further assist you? We look forward to connecting with you.
Can I write the child? Send small gifts?
Great question, Joyce! As a sponsor, you will also have the opportunity to exchange letters with your child! Our desire is for every sponsor to have this opportunity to develop a meaningful relationship with their child. 😊 In regards to gifts, regrettably, we are not able to send large packages; however, you can send flat paper items like stickers or even give a monetary gift to your child which will be used to buy both some wants and needs for their family. I sincerely hope this helps! If you have additional questions, please feel free to email our team directly at [email protected]. Blessings!
Iam Wilfred Ngwira a pastor of african methodist episcopal church based in
the rural part of northern part of Malawi. My concern is about child education. The education facility is far from the area which makes difficult for young children to go to school. Secondly the scarecity of clean water to the community. I ask to partner with you so that God’s love be brought to these families and young children.
Thank you, God’s continuance blessings
Hello Wilfred! Thank you for reaching out about this. We are very thankful to hear that your church wants to bring better education and clean water to your community. Will you kindly send us an email at [email protected] so that we can discuss this further? Blessings!
Dear sir/ Madam
Greetings to you from south Sudan.
my name is Michael Ariamba , i am the Director of the Charitable organization namely : Save society foundation (SSF) .we are working in partnership with the Diocese of Wandi Church in Mundri East County in western Equatoria state in South sudan. we have church school which is having about 250 Children which we are looking for your support , these children most of them their parents arr poor , vulnerable and the victims of war , we are happy with all your programs which is helping the vulnerable children in the Globe please we are looking forward to apply and partner with you do that we can support these children to fullfil their potential future
We remain to hear from you.
Thank you
yours sincerely
Michael Ariamba
Executive director
save society foundation (SSF)
South Sudan, juba
Hello Michael! Thank you for your message. Warm greetings from the States! Thank you for your heart to help children in your local community, that is truly inspiring! Although Compassion is not currently active in South Sudan you are welcome to email us at [email protected] to discuss this further! Surrounding your efforts in prayer!
Hello,I am Rev Stephen Munyao serving Christ with Anglican Church of Kenya at rare part of kangundo.My concern is that I have began an education center in our Local church.Owing to the situation of the children,some are oparns,others from poor backgrounds I think partnering with you will make them achieve their goals .I look forward to hear from you
Hello Rev Stephen,
Thank you for reaching out to us. It is wonderful to hear that you are helping those in your community. Will you please send us an email at [email protected] so that we can further assist you? Thank you!
Greetings in theName of our Lord Jesus Christ!. Our Savior and Greatest Provider. I am Pastor Rheabel Gabayno from Lisap, Bongabong Oriental Mindoro and currently ministering in Mangyan tribe, the children I am ministering are the poorest of the poor. They are lack of food,clothing and education. I am hoping that through the help you might exchange to us , they can have a better future. I am praying for a partnership with you. God bless you
Hello Pastor Rheabel! Thank you for reaching out to us. I have sent you an email to the email address that you provided. If you do not use this email address, please send us an email at [email protected] so that we can further assist you. Thank you! 🙂
We are the Lupembe Presbyterian Church in Malawi in Karonga district. We would like to have a congregation to partner with.
Hello Lupembe, we would be happy to speak with you further. Would you please send us an email at [email protected]? Thank you!
we have orphanage which just started in 2019 of November we are registered in Uganda as community based organization we have 40 orphans that the community was raising the fund but since the lock-down we have had challenge its at this point that we are writing to your office for more information or application forms
Hello Stephen, thank you for reaching out to us. Thank you for blessing the orphans in your community during this challenging time. Would you please send us an email at [email protected]? We are able to answer your specific questions there. ~Taryn
we are a faith based organisation.currently registered non profit organisation in Zambia providing services to orphan and vulnerable children ,youths and marginalised people in communities .
We are requesting possible partnership with you.
Hello Green Hope Share, thank you for reaching out to us! We appreciate your heart for Zambia and congratulations on your recent beginning! For partnership inquiries, I see that you have already emailed us at [email protected]. We would be happy to answer your questions there. ~Taryn
Hello brethren
Hope all well with you,I first congratulate you for great work are doing for the body of Christ.
I am a pastor working with HHAMI ministries(His Hand for Africa Ministries International. Am in kitui mbitini Kenya.
Have been strangling help poor children get education and food.
How can I partner with you for this vision to be realized?
Thanks for your attention
Yours in the lord’s vineyard.
Peter Mumo mulingata
Peter, please email us at [email protected] for more information on partnership. Thank you!
My name is Geofrey Jackson from Dar Es Salaam Tanzania. I am a teacher by profession. I would like to join your Organization and serve the orphanage individuals in the world and I am ready to go anywhere on the earth as a messenger to serve these individuals. I will be much happier being part and parcel of the organization so as to serve these orphans.
Thank you.
Geofrey, thank you so much for your interest in partnering with Compassion. Please email us at [email protected] for more information on partnership.
I,m glad the way you make impact in the world , this is a great vision . to bring hope for the future . I wish i can have partnership with you , i ‘m pastor in the rural area East province of Rwanda. God bless you .
Pastor Appolinaire
My heart beat is to be a solution to children’s problem. there are children in my community that need an urgent help pls come to our aid
Edward, we greatly appreciate your desire to help those in need in your community. Please email [email protected] for more information on the possibility of receiving assistance. Thank you!
Dear in Christ,
My concern is to work effectively with you in sustaining vulnerable through education and projects related to income generation in supporting people in needs.As I have established a church, and running a day care center, I ask to partner with you so that God’s passion may display to people in our communities.
Pastor Peter Bright
Jesus Kingdom Ministry
Dar es salaam
Tanzania,East Africa
Hi Peter! I love your heart for the people in your community! Thank you so much for your desire to help those in need, and we appreciate you reaching out to us. We would love to speak with you more about potential partnership. Will you please email us at [email protected]. Thank you!
Congratulation for your work.
May the Lord bless you more.
Hi Johnson! Please email [email protected] to inquire about partnering with Compassion for your children in Haiti.
We throw the word “partnership” around so often, but I don’t think we use it often in its true sense. Too often we use the word with the idea of “some long as I get out of it what I’m hoping for” and mask it as “partnership.”
That’s why I’m glad Compassion uses (and lives it out) the term in its truest sense. Thanks for your passion!