When my daughter was growing up, the thing I wanted and prayed for most was that she would love the Lord and have a solid foundation in the truth. That’s a priority for Compassion-assisted kids, too. It warms my heart to see that these kids from Asia, Africa and Latin America have got that solid foundation based on God’s Word.
See (and hear) for yourself what some of their favorite Bible verses are — and how those words are encouraging them right now!
Ashly, 8, is from Guatemala. She draws strength from Psalm 23:1.
“‘God is my shepherd; I shall not want,’ is my favorite Bible verse,” says Ashly. “God will be with us during the hard times, he will give us peace and he will protect us because we are his children.”
David from Colombia, 8, made a poster of his favorite verse, Psalm 91:1, which says, “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” What does that mean to him?
“This means that if we look for God, he will always protect us. I ask my Father God to protect all the families and sponsors of my child development center and around the world. May he keep them safe from this new virus. Amen.”
Faith like David’s surely warms the heart of God!
Here’s Nataly, 11, bravely showing the world her favorite Bible verse in front of her home in Colombia. In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, she quotes Psalm 143:1, “Hear my prayer, O Lord, give ear to my supplications.” Her message to all of us:
“We can see here that King David had the need for his prayers to be heard. David was feeling alone, sad and worried. Many people have felt alone, sad and worried, but we have a God who listens to us. He listens to our prayers and pleas. Like the psalmist, I have also felt alone and sad, but I have prayed to the Lord and I have seen his power in my life. I motivate you to trust God and not to be afraid. Amen. God bless you!”
Kerren (on right), hugs her best friend, Jesika. This 11-year-old girl from Indonesia knows herself and has a sense of humor.
“Proverbs 6:6 is my favorite verse: ‘Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!’ I like that it tells me not to be lazy and to be more diligent. Sometimes when my mom asks me to go get something that’s far away, I can be lazy,” she explains.
Can’t we all?!
Eighteen-year-old Amon learned one of his favorite verses this past January at his student center in Uganda. “The verse that encourages me is John 16:33: ‘I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world,’” he says. He’s nailed the application as well:
“If Jesus won the world and Jesus is in me, I will also be able to overcome the world,” he says confidently.
Mishel, a 12-year-old girl in Bolivia, was just 7 when she received her first Bible through her Compassion center. Scripture became her source of comfort in a very difficult time.
“Reading my Bible really encouraged me after my dad left my family. It helped me to deal with that painful moment and made me feel peaceful,” she explains. “My favorite verse is Philippians 3:14: ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’”
Here’s a final treat. See if this doesn’t make your day! Marcos, a teenager in the Dominican Republic, proudly recites his favorite verse, James 1:27, in English. Yes, Marcus, you nailed it. Religion that our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress.
That sentiment, that Bible verse, shows what Compassion is all about!
Reporting and photos by Ben Adams, Lina Alarcon, Javier Elis and Caroline Mwinemwesigwa.
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These children inspire me to push through the moments when despair and fear try to creep in.
Thank you for giving them this platform to share their faith.
Always love seeing photos of Compassion children learning God’s Word!