How Does Sponsorship Help Kids Emotionally?

Poverty places children at physical risk, but it also places them at risk of damage within. It robs them of the belief that they matter, that they have value and that they can dream of — and achieve — a different future. Breaking down destructive thought patterns and helping children see themselves for who they really are — beloved by God and capable of changing their circumstances — is vital to helping them break free from emotional poverty. But it isn’t easy.
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The issues that prevent a child from thriving — malnutrition, illness and emotional and relational instability — are symptoms of poverty, what it looks like from the outside. That means that addressing just one of these areas of development, while temporarily helpful, won’t do what we as the Church are ultimately called to do: release God’s children from poverty in Jesus’ name. That’s why in addition to helping children with education, health care and nutrition, Compassion sponsors also help kids spiritually.
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How Does Sponsorship Help Kids Cognitively?
A child’s development isn’t hinged on one aspect of growth — like physical health or emotional stability. Poverty doesn’t just attack one area of a child’s life. To help a child break free from poverty, we need to address every aspect of a child’s development. Today, let’s look at how our church partners help children develop cognitively.

How Does Sponsorship Help Kids Physically?
When you sponsor a child, they are helped in many different ways. Learn how sponsorship helps children develop physically.

Namesakes: Why Children in Uganda Are Named After This Woman
She’s not a politician or known worldwide. So why does this retired postal worker have three children in Uganda named after her and her husband?