Totally Worth It

Totally Worth It: Curated News and Stories to Ignite Compassion

We’re keenly aware that you don’t need more clutter in your digital lives. That’s where this new series comes in. “Totally Worth It” is our latest Compassion Blog series that is jam packed with stuff we think is totally worth knowing about … .news, events, pictures, stories, sponsors, you name it!

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What Impact Does Giving a Family Gift Have on a Child's Life?

What Impact Does Giving a Family Gift Have in a Child’s Life?

After his accident, Biswanath lost all his expectations for life. He couldn’t find a job due to his weak leg. He struggled to provide for his family and began selling marijuana. The dark side of life grabbed him.

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Comfort Found in the Words of Her Sponsors

Comfort Found in the Words of Her Sponsors

With no money, a drunken, violent father and a community plagued with malnutrition, one little girl found comfort in the words of her sponsors. This powerful story reminds us once again of the importance of letter writing.

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Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones

Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones

Every person knows that deep down, hurtful words DO hurt. As a parent, I have heard it said over and over that for every negative thing I’ve ever said to my children, it needs to be countered with five to ten positive things. We should change the rhyme to: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will always help me.” Let’s explore the importance of letter writing and the power of your positive words to the child you sponsor.

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Finish Line


Finishing is an essential lesson for a child to learn in overcoming poverty. And I would contend that it is most powerfully established when sponsors journey alongside a child until the finish line.

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What Can I Mail to the Child I Sponsor

What Can I Mail to My Sponsor Child?

If your love language is gifts, this is a hard one for you because you want to be able to send material items along with your letters to show the child you sponsor that you love them. Today, I am going to share with you five things you can mail with your next letter.

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Do My Letters Make a Difference?

These few pictures from our moments with these children and their families in Ecuador don’t do it justice. Their emotions were raw and filled with such optimism and hope. A hope given to each of them in the words and truth found in your written words.

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How to Pray

How to Pray for the Child You Sponsor

Standing there in my kitchen, reading those words, I felt both the burden and privilege of praying for sweet Bilha. The joy that she trusts me enough to ask for my prayers. The guilt that I don’t pray often enough.

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Top 10 Blog Posts of 2015

Top 10 Blog Posts of 2015

We’ve come to the end of another incredible year and we thought we’d take a moment to highlight some of our favorite and most popular blog posts of 2015. And as an added treat, we’ve added a little “story behind the story” of our top 10 to give you a peek behind the curtain of how some of these pieces were developed.

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How is My Money Used

Financial Integrity: How Is My Donation Used Each Month?

$43 a month. That’s how much it costs to sponsor a child through Compassion, which is more than the price of sponsorship at some organizations. The difference sometimes leads to questions such as: What does my child get each month for $43?”, and “Where is the money going that isn’t going to the children?”.

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foster development

Foster Development, Not Dependence

Development is what Compassion is about. We don’t want to give a handout; we want to do the things that will truly help a child become a self-sustaining, responsible adult.

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5 Fun DIY Christmas Cards

5 Fun DIY Christmas Cards

Glitter and paper and string, oh my! Check out some fun do-it-yourself ideas for Christmas cards you can send to the child or teen you sponsor.

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