The book of Matthew describes him as a teacher and lover of all who come to him. He loves us with all of our fears, failures, and our broken promises. Most of what Jesus taught was love, acceptance, and forgiveness.
I believe His desire for His followers is for us to do the same.
It is true that Christ did plenty of rebuking; however, the people He rebuked were using religion to abuse and hurt others. Are Christians today that much different?
In the book, Unchristian, author David Kinnaman describes the top things Christians are known for among America’s younger generation. It’s very sobering.
He describes how Christians are known for being hypocritical, too involved in politics, and judgmental. Is this the legacy we are leaving for ourselves?
In the United States, the numbers of Christian divorces and Christian kids growing up in broken homes are just as high as among non-Christians. What does this say about how we love? What about Christians burning Korans and getting into fights with people of other religions?
Are we known for our love, or have we forgotten Jesus’ command?
In 2011, I took my sponsor trip to El Salvador, and I was able to see what Jesus was talking about in John 13. I was able to see children who lived in neighborhoods with lots of crime, little clean water, and no electricity.

However, when I looked into the eyes of those children, I didn’t see any poverty. I saw children who were cared for and who wanted to share love with others. This is what the world needs to see.
It is my prayer that we as Christians can get back to and really focus on John 13:34–35. This is how the world will know we are Christ’s disciples.
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” —John 13:34–35, NIV
Prayer: God, help us take seriously your command to love. May the world know we are yours because of the way we love. Amen.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Tony Brizendine works as an IT Service Desk Technician at the Global Ministry Center in Colorado Springs, Colo.
Read all the One in Spirit devotionals.
2 Comments |Add a comment
Love this!!!!!
It makes me think of the quote, “I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ.” Not exactly a ringing endorsement.
The vast majority of Christians I know are so very kind and loving. I think the idea of Christians as judgmental or backwards is, to SOME extent, a creation of Hollywood and the media. At the very least we’re stereotyped and painted with a broad brush, no doubt.
BUT I know we can do better in the world. Loving others and sharing Christ is what it’s all about. We do seem to get sidetracked on certain issues.
That’s part of what I like about Compassion. It just feels like Christianity in its best form. 100% love and action and spreading Christ’s message — without all of the extraneous baggage.
A great reminder for us all. Thank you for helping me think of this first thing today. I will try to apply it throughout my day (and the days to come!). So much easier to stand back and point the finger at others, rather than engage and show them love.
Love the picture with the boys from El Savador! It’s obvious you were all having a good time!