Ten years ago, I had the opportunity, as a translator, to accompany a group of missionaries to the jungle in my country. I was excited to practice my English and meet missionaries.
We had to reach the community by boat. We arrived in the morning and split into small groups, with me accompanying a pastor. We were supposed to get back together in the afternoon to return to the city.
It rained all day, and we ended up having to stay a few more hours in the community. I would have preferred to rest until the rain passed, but the pastor said, “Let’s take advantage of this time to continue sharing the good news.”
I was tired and didn’t feel like getting wet, but since my job was to accompany the pastor, we pressed on through the rain, visiting more homes. We stopped at a sports field, where a few people had stopped playing and were waiting for the rain to pass.
Makeshift umbrellas made from plastic and tree branches provided some shelter. We shared the good news, and some of the people made the decision to accept Jesus Christ.

Just moments earlier, I had been very sorry we couldn’t get back to our group in time, but that afternoon I saw how God will use us, in the midst of such inauspicious circumstances, to help others know Christ.
In Compassion, I have the opportunity to see how God is showing me His will in different ways, at specific times, and on certain occasions in each of the activities I perform. I realize that I am part of a larger plan, and I’m happy about that.
Every day, in each of the roles I play in my family, at church, and at work, I wonder if I’m making hasty decisions, if what I’m doing is what God expects me to do, if I am serving as He hopes that I would. That is when I come to Him to ask for His guidance and to show me His will for my life — what He wants to do with me and through me.
He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority.” —Acts 1:7, NIV
Prayer: Father, guide our way. We recognize that you’re the only one who knows all things and has the wisdom to take them all into account. Help us to be patient as you showcase your will in our lives.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Jose Huamanchumo works as the Partnership Facilitator Supervisor in Peru.
Read all the One in Spirit devotionals.
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