A few weeks ago we posted this picture of little Nicholas and his friends praying at their Child Development Center in Uganda on Instagram. Inspired by his earnest posture of prayer, we asked you to share your prayers for the child you sponsor.

We were humbled and overwhelmed with your responses!
Over 4000 likes and 150 comments!
It was the most engagement we’ve ever experienced. And we know why.
There’s nothing more inspiring than the passionate expressions of Nicholas and his friends to spark a longing in all of us to be able to approach God in prayer with such innocence. And it sparked a genuine and heartfelt outpouring of prayer for the children we sponsor and love.
We believe in the power of your prayers and want to continue to unite more people to pray for the least of these living in the grips of extreme poverty.
Take a glimpse at the comments from sponsors we received from this Instagram post.
Will you pray with them?
@pattyd1973 – I’m praying that God will use them as leaders in their villages. We have two from Uganda.
@cventers80 – This photo truly lifts my soul, and yet breaks my heart at the stark realization of what they are most likely praying for. So many I know, myself included, pray for such frivolous material things and these guys are probably so much more simple and genuine:) beautiful photo, really:)
@adabug78 – This photo is so precious! I am praying for my sweet boy, Emmanuel in Ghana, that he will grow up to be a strong, righteous leader in his family/ community and that he will always no nothing is impossible with God! May The Lord bless and keep Compassion International and all their loving sponsors, these boys and my little Emmanuel!
@achelsweatt – I am praying our boy Stanley knows he was created for a purpose, for health, and for him to fall in love with Jesus and experience the goodness of God right where he is! And JOY!
@jurymann – Praying for both my boys in #Kenya…Charles and Brian, to show the Hope and Love of Jesus in every area of their lives and continued protection for their families and communities. Also that they seek Gods will for their future and rely FULLY upon God for everything! #compassioninternational
@sarahe152000 – One of our children, wily, wants to be a surgeon we are praying God makes a way for this to happen for him!
@mrsjenn9 – I pray for our boy Jubal. His father left the family, his mom is now trying to raise 3 kids by herself.
@srbrignow – that God would provide a way for Isaac to continue his education once becomes 18. We would like to a part of God’s future plans for his life.
@joc.hockey7 – That God would give Mariam the wisdom, knowledge and understanding she needs to do well in and outside of school, for peace in her country, for her to be safe, for her to grow in God’s love each day and to know that she is loved so much and can do anything through God whom gives her strength💛
@hannclarky – For my compassion child’s parents to come to know Jesus. 🙏
@god_is_good_808 – I’m praying that the Lord would protect her from the family members she lives with that drink heavily.
@22carlyw – Always their health, happiness, safety, and schooling. That their parents have sustainable work and for love within their family. That they know that they are beautiful children of God, anything in the world is possible to them, and that they come to know God as their Savior.
@trevisupchurch – God I pray for Kitawamba in Uganda. May you watch over him, wrap your loving arms around him. Father I pray that you would provide for his needs, help him to make decisions that are pleasing to you. Bless him and keep him, in your name we pray. Amen.
@jessicasaler22 – I’m going to meet my sponsored child in Uganda in less than a month. Please pray for my safe travels and pray I can show my child how amazing our God is! Thanks to anybody who joins my prayers 💜
@sniccikers – Prayer for my Compassion child, Santiago & his mom in #Bolivia is grace for the moment, joy, good health, meals to eat, clean water to drink, access to proper oral hygiene, finding work and continued growth in their faith journey. May the circumstances of daily life not break them down. Instead, they come to know & have a relationship with Jesus. ✨🙏✨❤️✨👦🏼
What are you praying for your sponsored child? What moves your heart to call upon God on their behalf? Tell us in the comments below so we can all prayer together!
Want to continue to join us in prayer for children in poverty? Check out our Prayer Partner Network and sign up to get the monthly prayer calendar with daily scriptures and prayers.
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I pray that she will have strength and that she will know God’s love for her. I read one chapter out of the Old Testament and one out of the New Testament and I mark my place in each with her photos. Whenever a verse stands out to me, I use it to pray for her. A rather unorthodox way of praying for your sponsored child, I admit, but I know it works! 🙂
I pray that Edwin will grow spitirually and physically strong, and that he will be filled with wisdom and covered by God’s grace.
I pray for my children (that I sponsor ) everyday that God will enable them to make the journey from the life of poverty to the “blessed life”(ie the ability to come out of poverty -to suceed socially,academicaly etc.the rest of the prayer being the details of the above.
Pray for Nandini,
that God will encourage her in her studies and bless her future! Protect from harm and danger also Nandini’s family!She will grow into Christ image! Bless her health!
i pray, Lord Jesus, for my dear Nyanje…annoint him with courage, discernment, knowledge, mercy and grace. Surround him with favor in your site and in the sight of all he meets. Protect him and his family. Meet every need and draw all of them into a close walk with you. Please protect and provide for his project facility and director there and for all who work with the children there. May your word go forth and produce much fruit in the area. For their good and your glory, I pray. Amen