Inspiring Stories of Bravery and Courage

“It is easy to get discouraged in a world full of evil, murders and lack of opportunity. It is easy to take our eyes off God and see our weakness and limitations. But with God, there are no limitations.” These are the wise words of 17-year-old Compassion student, Meryl. She’s our inspiration for these curated stories of courage and bravery from around the world.
Continue Reading ›How to Be an Effective Social Media Slacktivist

Before you post, re-tweet or change profile pictures in reaction to news, consider these 7 ideas on how to take the “slacker” out of social media slacktivist.
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How Long Does It Take for My Letters to Be Delivered?
Let’s be honest, getting a Compassion letter is such a joy that we all – children in the program included – want our letters to arrive quickly! But what goes into the process of getting letters to and from sponsors and how long does it take? We asked the folks who have the answers!

How to Not Waste $50 on Unwanted Gifts This Christmas
People in the U.S. spend about $16 billion on unwanted Christmas gifts each year. Gifts that are discarded, donated or re-gifted. Instead of spending our generosity on things people don’t want, how can we be more intentional with our gift giving?

How Often Should You Write to the Child You Sponsor?
You just wrote your first letter to the child your sponsor. Now what? When can you send your next letter and how often should you write to him or her?

#SponsorSelfieDay Is Sept.15: Join the Global Movement!
#SponsorSelfieDay is coming on Saturday, Sept. 15. Join the global movement by posting a selfie or video on social media with a photo of the child you sponsor to show how simple it is to help change the life of one child living in poverty!

Who Helps the Children Write Letters to You?
On today’s Compassion Letter Club blog, meet the dedicated tutors at Pentecostal Child Development Center in Honduras. They’ll encourage you in your letter journey with a behind-the-scenes look at letter-writing day and how they help the students connect with their sponsors!

The Not-So-Hidden Truth About Compassionate People
We know that the compassionate people who partner with us to release children from poverty are pretty special. That’s why it came as no surprise when our friends at Barna discovered this not-so-hidden truth about people who care for children in extreme poverty.

2017 Annual Report: The Impact of Your Compassion
How can you measure compassion? There are simply no numbers in the world that can reflect the eternal impact of one person displaying compassion for another. But the tracking and reporting of resources entrusted to us is one small but vitally important way we can quantify your faithful act of compassion in partnering with us.

Help Support Mompreneurs in Poverty This Giving Tuesday
Through life-skills training and microloans, mothers in the Child Survival program are learning that poverty is not their destiny. Meet some of the mompreneurs using their God-given potential and capacity to build a strong future for their children.

You Foster Generosity When You Give a Christmas Gift
What if your Christmas gift did more than just bring joy to one child? What if your one act of giving helped foster generosity in an entire city? This is the case for a small island community in Indonesia. Through your gifts, Christmas giving became contagious!

What Does Healthy Child Development Look Like in Poverty?
In this month’s “Totally Worth It,” learn what’s new in the field of child development and how Compassion implements holistic child development in developing countries.