The adventurous life of King David is nothing short of amazing. While I was studying this “man after God’s own heart,” God opened my eyes to something interesting.

One morning the study took me to 2 Samuel 1, where I found David mourning the death of King Saul, the Lord’s anointed.
Three days earlier, the mortally wounded Saul chose to fall on his own sword after his armor-bearer refused to finish the job. The armor-bearer was terrified to kill the Lord’s anointed, yet brave enough to fall on the sword himself in order to die with his master (1 Samuel 31:4–6).
David learns of Saul’s death from an Amalekite who recently escaped from the Israelite camp. In hopes of receiving mercy, the Amalekite lies and tells David he killed Saul.
That makes sense, right? David would surely be relieved that Saul is dead. After 15 years, the chase and threat on David’s life would finally be over. Instead, David orders his men to kill the Amalekite for having killed the “Lord’s anointed.”
What is this crazy loyalty to the “Lord’s anointed”? Why was David so adamant for 15 years about not killing the “Lord’s anointed”?
He had several opportunities to be rid of Saul, yet he did not impose his own will on the situation.
It got me thinking. Who are the leaders God has “anointed” over my life? Am I fiercely loyal to them like David was? Do I stand up for them like David did for Saul?
Am I willing to humbly submit my will to God’s timing and plan? Even when the leaders are not the best (like Saul)?
To reject the leadership God has placed over me is to reject God’s right to be in charge. It is in God’s timing alone that new kings are brought to the throne. I think David knew this.
“Don’t destroy him! Who can lay a hand on the Lord’s anointed and be guiltless?” — 1 Samuel 26:9, NIV
Prayer: Dear Lord, whether they be in government, at work, or at home, please help us to support and serve our leaders wholeheartedly and with a restored attitude. By doing so, we acknowledge that you are in control and are the true Lord and Master of our lives, our Adonai.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Catherine Hilger is a Project Manager at the Global Ministry Center in Colorado Springs, CO.
Read all the One in Spirit devotionals.
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Thank you for your thoughts on this passage. Sometimes we try to take life into our own hands, as if somehow we think we can do a better job than God can. We are so foolish, aren’t we? David showed an incredible amount of determination to do what was right. I don’t know how many times I fall into temptation. He was faced with the opportunity to kill Saul several times but each time, He said no. it could have been easily justified but he knew in His heart it was wrong. WOW! To be like that!
Sidenote: I would like to do more studying on the anointed…and what that means for the church today.
I’ve been studying David so this post is very timely for me. Every time I read how David speaks of Saul I am amazed at his faithfulness.