Andis’ Story: Forgiving the Father Who Left

A boy sitting with his legs crossed

Andis’ father walked out on his wife and son when Andis was in second grade. Andis prayed daily for his dad to return. When his father didn’t come home, Andis became angry and tried to forget him.

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What Are the Benefits of Developing Creativity in Children?

young boy with parents standing in doorway of a home

What parents do and say will affect what their children do and say. Whether direct or indirect, intentional or unintentional, what parents live out every day will influence their children. This is seen in the life of Nado.

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What Makes a Leader Strong and Tender-Hearted?

Jesus loved little children and held them in His arms. He wept at the death of His friend Lazarus. He was the very picture of a person who is strong yet tender.

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group of Ethiopian men holding children

How Important Is a Father’s Role in a Child’s Life?

Whether walking into a coffee shop or walking down a dirt road to a child development center, fathers can use their powerful influence to change the life of a child.

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If You Build it, He Will Come

Yesterday was Father’s Day in the Dominican Republic. It’s no coincidence that the day we handed out uniforms to these young men and boys is a day that represents the absence of a father for many of them.

When we arrived at the batey, we assembled all of the parents for a meeting. The assembly was mostly mothers and the lack of fathers present at the meeting was very noticeable.

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My Best Day in Ministry Was On a Sponsor Trip

Sean Dana, an International Trip Manager, has been leading sponsor tours for more than three years. On one of his first sponsor tours, he had an opportunity to bring a lifetime of joy to children who rarely get to play, run or laugh because they live in the midst of extreme poverty.

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