Sponsors Really Do Exist!

young smiling boy with photos and letters

Matthew never stopped smiling as the children swarmed around him and wanted to shake his hand. Even though he was not their sponsor, the children were thrilled to meet the very first sponsor to visit their child development center.

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Sponsor Letters Can Be a Family Affair

boy sitting with two women in Burkina Faso

Though Fabrice’s mother lives far away, he always manages to show her his sponsor’s letters. His mother enjoys reading these letters to learn about her son’s benefactor, who lives in a country they know only by name.

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five children holding up letters

How Important Are Sponsor Letters?

For Compassion-sponsored children in Bolivia, one of the most special days at the child development center is Letter Day. Receiving a letter from a sponsor makes these children feel cared for and reminds them that they have a person in another country who loves them.

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The First Letter Builds a Cornerstone

The First Letter Builds a Cornerstone

The first letters are a cornerstone to building the new relationship between sponsor and a Compassion-assisted child. These letters make the sponsorship commitment more personal, and now Vanesa and Alexandra will be waiting to hear back from their sponsors.

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three young children holding letters

The Most Desired Thing

A short message from the sponsor could play a vital role in the life of a child. The letter is not only a piece of paper, but it is a tool that builds a friendship between a child and a sponsor. It can develop a heavenly bond of love.

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two men sitting on bench

Building Relationships That Last!

Ouma Willy, a former Leadership Development Program student who currently studies at Moody Bible Institute, shares his experience as a recipient of letters from sponsors. His testimony will no doubt encourage you to keep writing to your sponsored children!

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young boy reading letter

“I Want to Reach My Dream”

“I want to reach my dream. I want to become a doctor someday because I want to help people in this village,” says Nathan.

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Your Letters Are Worth More Than You Know

Ana says of her sponsor, “She is like a sister to me because she talks to me and tells me she’s coming, so I’m always waiting for her. I am very happy and thankful with God because she always sends me nice things and wishes me blessings from God, and she also sends me pictures.”

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What’s Stopping You From Writing a Letter to Your Sponsored Child?

Compassion couldn’t make it any easier on us. They mail us the paper, the envelopes, the ideas. They also have a fantastic website, which allows us to donate more money online and submit letters electronically. What’s my problem?

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Jimmy Wambua with children

My Sponsor Wiped My Mother’s Tears Away

I celebrate my sponsorship with Compassion because through the relationship with my sponsor, I caught the fire of hope. Sponsorship puts hope in the hearts of children and in return these children serve the rest of the world with that hope.

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group of adults and children holding gifts

What Is Christmas Like for an Unsponsored Child?

“They wonder why they don’t get a letter or a card. Of course we explain the situation to them and tell them it’s because they don’t have a sponsor, but that’s not enough for a child. This is something that makes unsponsored kids feel very sad and even discouraged.” — Yovi de Racines, Secretary of Camino de Santidad Mission

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Child Sponsorship Is About Relationship Building

“Sponsorship is not about the money you give but about the lives and relationships you build.” This is not just a clever thing to say. It’s a profound statement that I learned from the children themselves. I’ve seen that our children are more concerned about building their relationship with you than the help they get.

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