Poverty’s Other Lie

four serious boys

Sadly, millions have bought into the lie of poverty. We see it in sullen, desperate faces and hear it in tearful cries of anguish. Yet poverty’s other lie, the lie believed by some of the wealthiest people in the world, is just as powerful.

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Crackers or Mud?

graphic describing mixing mud in with food

Recently, I read about how the poor in Haiti have to mix mud in their food to make it go further. Mud. They mix it with flour to make a few more biscuits or simply fry it up with cooking oil or lard and salt to give it a bit of taste. Imagine a mother having to scoop up mud just to have something to feed her hungry children.

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graphic depicting salary comparison

Keeping Up With the Joneses

If you finished high school, you might as well be “Dr. Jones” to those who have no chance of getting an education. If you eat three full meals a day, Jones. Jones. Jones.

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