Sometimes the worry of life is overwhelming. Oppressive, even. Whether a child has gone her own way, finances are collapsing, or troubles at work are consuming your thoughts, there is plenty to be worried about.
I know that I personally let fear drive my life more often than not. Fear of being found out as a fraud. Fear of not being able to hold it all together. Fear of failing.
Have you considered, though, that our God is the one true God? Have you considered what that means?
In Isaiah 41, we see the Jews being buffeted by one conquering nation after another. Assyria was outside their gates, and Babylon was on the way. I’m sure if anyone had a right to be afraid it would be the Israelites during this particular period of history.
Then, in the midst of these fears and concerns, God engages the other gods of the region. It’s a rhetorical smack-down that is epic in its scope and amazing in its ramifications today.

God asks the false gods to tell the future. Even to tell the past, or just to speak at all.
Go ahead, God says, say something!
Tell us anything so that we may cower together! And then the Alpha and Omega does what the others cannot. In Isaiah 41:25, God informs the Jews that Persia—which wasn’t even a player on the world map at the time—would come from the north to rescue them. Amazing.
Did you realize that there are more than a thousand specific prophesies throughout the Bible? And of these prophecies, almost 700 have been fulfilled already? Have you considered what this means to your worries today?
We serve the one true God, and He knows the beginning from the end. He cares about your concerns and worries. There is nothing that is hidden from His all-seeing gaze. Today, will you give your cares to the one true God?
Tell us, you idols, what is going to happen. Tell us what the former things were, so that we may consider them and know their final outcome. Or declare to us the things to come. — Isaiah 41:22 (NIV)
Prayer: God, we pray that we will each truly come face to face with you, the God who is above all other gods, the God who is above nations and political maps and all of our fears. Please wipe away our concerns and fears, regardless of what they are.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Taylor Holmes is the senior product manager in IT over Compassion’s web presence. Taylor manages the IT web team to help meet the ministry’s online goals and strategies.
Read all the One in Spirit devotionals.
2 Comments |Add a comment
I agree with Sheila’s comment-sometimes the ‘gods’ people may be focused on, are ‘intangibles’ – ideals – many people wouldn’t even realise they are ‘living their lives’ for these! I pray that we will refocus on our ONE and only GOD, who Loves us and wants to be the Focus of our daily lives.
Idols can be anything that we love more than doing God’s will , such as making money, success, security, popularity, health, nationalism,etc. I pray that we will all do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God.