Mark 16:15 (NIV) says, “He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.’” Jesus was talking to the disciples, but this is a command for us too. You may be thinking, “I’m not a preacher.” But guess what? You don’t have to be! There are many simple yet powerful ways to spread the gospel to those around you.
What’s Here:
- What Does It Mean to Spread the Gospel?
- 8 Easy Ways to Spread the Gospel
- Why Spreading the Gospel Is Important: Meet Adda & Pura
What Does It Mean to Spread the Gospel?
When you hear the phrase “spreading the gospel,” you might picture your pastor sharing a message on Sunday. You might even picture a missionary sharing the good news in countries around the world. While these callings are important, all of us have what it takes to spread the gospel to our friends, family and others.
Spreading the gospel means sharing the good news of Jesus with others. It means introducing them to their Savior, the one who loves them, cares for them and sacrificed his life for them.
To share the gospel, we can start by loving, caring for and sacrificing what we have for those around us, just like Jesus did. And there are many simple ways to do just that.
Related Read: 12 Bible Verses About Spreading the Gospel

8 Easy Ways to Spread the Gospel
1. Listen Well
Jesus always listened for opportunities to answer questions and meet needs. For example, in Mark 10, a blind man named Bartimaeus heard Jesus was near and called out to him. Jesus heard the man and fulfilled his need by healing his eyesight. In Matthew 19, a rich young ruler approached Jesus with a question: “What must I do to get eternal life?” Jesus heard his question and answered him in truth and love.
By listening first, Jesus met people right where they were. He shared the truth of who he was in a way that made perfect sense to them. For Bartimaeus, he was Healer. For the rich young ruler, he was Teacher.
Jesus is everything we need in any given moment. This powerful truth is a great way to introduce those around us to the gospel. By listening well, we can find ways to make Jesus personal to others, connecting them to him in a deeper way.
Put It Into Practice: Maybe your friend confides in you about a health struggle. As you listen, you hear them say they’re terrified about upcoming medical tests. What does your friend need in this moment? The Prince of Peace. You could share John 14:27 with them and talk about how Jesus gives peace, even in life’s hardest moments. You could even offer to pray with them, asking Jesus to fill their heart with peace.
2. Share Your Story
“They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.” — Revelation 12:11, NIV
One of the incredible things about the gospel is this: through Jesus’ work on the cross, we’re overcomers. Nothing — no evil or attack of the enemy — can take away what we have in Jesus. The things we go through in the present can’t steal our eternal hope of forever with him!
One powerful way to share this truth is by sharing your story. What circumstances have you overcome through Jesus? This is your testimony, and it’s proof that if God did it for you, he can do it for those you share him with.
Put It Into Practice: Talk to your friends, family and others about what God has brought you through. Maybe he has delivered you from addiction. Maybe he has healed you of disease. Maybe he has sat beside you in your grief. Telling others how God has helped you overcome can help them see how he can work in their lives too, bringing them closer to Jesus.

3. Post on Social Media
Who doesn’t have one or five social media apps right on the home screen of their phone nowadays? While social media is a great place to keep up with your loved ones (and watch tons of cute cat videos), it’s also a great place to share the gospel.
Social media is powerful. With just a post, you can quickly reach hundreds of people, all at once. Why not use that power for good?
Put It Into Practice: Using social media to spread the gospel is as easy as it gets. Post your favorite Bible verse. Share something God has done for you this week. Go to Pinterest and find an inspirational image to share. The opportunities are endless!
4. Send a Text
Have you ever received a surprise text from a loved one that made you smile? It has a way of brightening your entire day, doesn’t it? Maybe it made you feel loved or cared for or seen. Sometimes, this is what sharing the gospel looks like too.
We can make those around us feel loved and cared for by simply reaching out when we’re thinking about them. Who knows, you might just catch a friend in a hard moment and inspire them to lift their head up and look to Jesus.
Put It Into Practice: Think about a loved one you can text today. Tell them how much you love them and appreciate them. Maybe even include an inspiring Bible verse.

5. Sponsor a Child in Need
“If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” — 1 John 3:17-18, NIV
Talking about the good news of the gospel is an incredible act. But showing what the gospel looks like in action can change someone’s life. Jesus did this throughout his time on Earth. He fed the hungry 5,000, healed the sick and sacrificed his life for us all.
We too can share the hope of the gospel with those in need by simply acting on their behalf. We too can feed the hungry and deliver care to the sick. And it’s not as hard as you might think!
For example, did you know that you can help a child living in poverty from right where you are? Through child sponsorship, you can give a child the love and critical care they need to actually break free from poverty, including nutrition support, medical care, education and the hope of Jesus.
Put It Into Practice: It’s easy to sponsor a child. All you have to do is choose a child and walk through our step-by-step tool to finalize your sponsorship. By saying yes to sponsorship, you’ll get to share the gospel in word and action with a child in desperate need. You’ll change a life!
Related Read: Compassion Works: See the Impact of Our Program
6. Do Something Unexpected
Jesus was known for doing the unexpected. He hung out with lepers. He ate with tax collectors. He chose to love instead of condemning. He followed God’s way of living instead of the world’s way. And in doing so, he changed many lives around him.
As Christians, we’re also called to live differently too. Romans 12:2 (NIV) says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” In fact, as we journey towards Jesus, we’re meant to look more like him each day.
As we transform and become more Christlike, our day-to-day lives will shout the truth of the gospel without us ever saying a word. We can start living and acting with love, joy and kindness, which are all fruit of the Spirit and proof of God working in our lives.
And guess what? When we do, we impact the lives of others with God’s truth. Powerful, isn’t it?
Put It Into Practice: Today, be inspired to start doing things differently. Return your shopping cart to the or store instead of leaving it for someone else to put away. Show kindness to someone who hurt you. Give grace to the waitress who forgot to refill your water and tip anyway. Seemingly small acts of kindness and love can speak louder than words ever could.

7. Offer Help
Living differently, Jesus was a helper. He didn’t see a need and just walk on by. Instead, he offered the help he could give, no matter what it cost him.
For example, in Mark, Jesus had spent many hours healing the sick, teaching, appointing the disciples and even calming the storm on the Sea of Galilee. We can bet he was exhausted. But a man named Jairus had a serious need: His daughter was dying. So he asked Jesus to come and heal her.
Jesus could’ve said no. He could’ve instead prioritized a nap. But he went with the man to his home. Before Jesus could arrive, the little girl died. But Jesus told the little girl to get up, and she did.
We too are surrounded by needs. For example, you might have an elderly neighbor who can’t get to the grocery store. You might have a friend struggling through loss. Spreading the gospel might just look like serving someone in need. After all, it’s what Jesus would do.
Put It Into Practice: Take a few moments to think about the potential needs around you. Is there a need you could fulfill for someone today? Remember: It doesn’t have to be something big. Maybe it’s completing a simple task for a co-worker who’s in need of extra support. Maybe it’s giving some of your extra food to the family in need next door. Ask God to illuminate the needs around you.
8. Invite Someone to Church
In John 1, John the Baptist saw Jesus coming and proclaimed, “Look, the Lamb of God,” to two of his disciples. When the two heard John, they began to immediately follow Jesus. After a few moments, Jesus saw them and asked what they wanted from him.
The two asked where Jesus was staying. Jesus told them to come with him and they would see. Andrew was one of the two. Overjoyed about finding the Messiah, he ran to find his brother Simon so he could bring him to Jesus too.
As Christians, we’ve found the Messiah, our Savior, just like Andrew. And in our joy, it should be our desire to go, find and bring as many people to Jesus as we can. Bringing others to church, Bible study or another event is one way they can experience Jesus for themselves. And that’s powerful!
Put It Into Practice: Challenge yourself to invite one person to church or Bible study with you this week. And if they say no, take heart — you’ve planted a seed that might just turn into a yes in the future.

Why Spreading the Gospel Is Important: Meet Adda & Pura
When we put these ways to spread the gospel into action, it has a life-changing ripple effect. You might share Jesus with just one person. That one person may share with two people. Soon, many hear the good news, and the ripple continues.
This is exactly what we witness every day at Compassion. As we share the gospel in word and action with children living in poverty, they grow up to do the same with those in their communities.

Adda and Pura grew up in devastating poverty in Bolivia. Adda’s family was unable to afford necessities like school supplies for her to get an education. And Pura was raised by her grandmother, who struggled to care for her and her many cousins.
As a child, Adda felt that God was distant. She felt she had to do many things to just please him. And Pura’s family didn’t support her faith in God at all.
But at the Compassion center, both Adda and Pura received care and essentials like food and education. Most importantly, they were shown just how much God loves them and sees them, despite their circumstances.
“I used to see him only as a King. But having a personal God is different. I learned that He is a friend, a Father.” — Adda
As they grew, Adda and Pura drew closer and closer to Jesus. And they wanted to share the love they received from him. Now, as Compassion graduates, Adda, 24, and Pura, 28, are sharing what they’ve learned about Jesus with other children and families as missionaries.

Adda and Pura are changing the world by sharing the gospel message with those around them. You can do the same!
You don’t have to be a missionary, a pastor or even a teacher. You don’t have to be great with words. All you need is a willing heart full of God’s love for others.
Remember: We can demonstrate the good news about Jesus by putting love in action. Whenever you’re in doubt, love, just like Jesus did. You’ll be amazed how it can open hearts to receive the message of God’s love.
Spread the Gospel Through Child Sponsorship
An easy way to share the good news of Jesus is by providing a child with the essentials they need to thrive.

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