Several Christian leaders were asked, “What’s your life verse and why is it meaningful to you?”
What about you? How would you answer that question?
You can also view theLeadership Unscripted 5 video on YouTube.
Several Christian leaders were asked, “What’s your life verse and why is it meaningful to you?”
What about you? How would you answer that question?
You can also view theLeadership Unscripted 5 video on YouTube.
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How about a quote rather than a verse? Mine is: “You cannot live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you.”
— John Wooden
I began volunteer work early this year with refugee families. It’s the most fullfilling volunteer work I’ve ever done. The quote rings true to me because my day is so full of joy when I work with these families.
My life verse is Zephaniah 3:17 – For the Lord your God is mighty to save; He will take great delight in you; He will quiet you with His love; He will rejoice over you with singing.
For me, this portrays a Father. A good father delights in his children. A good father loves his kids. And he rejoices over their lives. In the same way, God delights in me. When I am in His presence, i am just silenced by His love. And I know He sings over me, even when I am the least Christlike. God’s love is unconditional. And this verse has helped me with my self esteem. Someone cares about me. Someone loves me. And someone delights in me.