Get the latest updates on the Haiti earthquake and it’s affect on Compassion and the children we serve.
January 15, 2010
Get the latest updates on the Haiti earthquake and it’s affect on Compassion and the children we serve.
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Please pray for Elchina HA763. She is from the Sans Fil Child Development Center in Port-au-Prince. Please also pray for her brother Elchino, sister and mother.
I will pray for the other children as well. I am proud of Compassion for all they do and I know they will not cease until they can give some word to us sponsors about our child.
Jen, my prayers go out to you. I think you could use them.
Yesterday was Sonders 9th Birthday. Please pray for him and no matter where he is, I pray he is celebrating with Jesus. If anyone has information about HA804, please let me know. Thanks!
Thank you for keeping us informed Compassion. This video is really helpful.
Thanks also for getting back with me re: a young man Ulsa that we sponsored in the 70’s, before the electronic era of record keeping. Ulsa would be 48 now if alive. (He was our son’s age).
We continue to pray for him even though he suddenly disappeared from the Compassion program in high school. There has not been any way to reach him since then. But he shall always be in our hearts
We do know Ulsa knew Jesus, so loved Him, and was so appreciative of our support as we corresponded over the years. We believe Jesus has been watching over him since. Maybe they are even ‘together forever’ by now.
Heaven will tell all.
Thanks again for your wonderful organization that enables others like us to help children in the world. It was a very good experience and eye opener re: poverty in the world for our whole family in the 70’s…
So much more media about poverty now that we didn’t have.
is there any way to volunteer for the S.Florida warehouse (for those of us in this area?) I’ve heard it mentioned a few times, but no link to connect people to offer help.
Also, the ‘encourage the haiti team’ does not seem to be updating…has that been discontinued?
thank you for any info,
M Kealy
Please pray for my child, Lonise. I trust God to take care of her and her family, but I wish I knew if she was ok. It’s amazing how much you can love a child you’ve never met.
Praying for Wess and his staff each morning as well as our church body around the world working tirelessly to help “the least of these”, little children who need our help. I pray for one of my sponsored children, Linot, who lives in Haiti and another of my sponsored kids who I used to sponsor, but whose family had to move to a different area, Gregory. They are both wonderful young men and I am deeply concerned about them. I had just received a beautiful handwritten note from Linot and he is thriving under Compassion’s care. I now wait trusting the Lord, knowing that Linot knows the Lord and trusts Him. Please pray for Linot and Gregory. I have sponsored over 7 children with Compassion and I can tell you they are top notch. I received an email from them within hours of the earthquake letting me know that they were concerned about Linot and were working to assess his situation. I know they have good systems, but I know from my letters over many years that they are the real deal. Besides they regularly offer chances for sponsors to visit their children. Being a Compassion sponsor has been one of the greatest things I have done in my life.
We sponsored a girl Jean (HA-322) who has since grown upand is no longer sponsored. We ask for prayers for her and her family. If there is any way you would still have contact with her we would like to know if she is okay. She is still in our hearts and on our mind.
Please pray fro Roselanda and Watson whom we’ve sponsored for 16 years. Roselanda is in Port Eu Prince and Watson is up north. It’s sad people become word cops in these tragedies just looking to blame or accuse. There really is no place for that. Compassion is an excellent above reproach organization. I pray for Wess and all those on the ground trying to help and minister to the Haitian people. God Bless!
waiting to hear about the girl i sponser Adnielle ST. Jean pray for her and her family! my heart goes out to all of haiti!
Yes, our focus now needs to be on the children and adults affected by this disaster. Our family is in prayer for the precious children mentioned here, and those that haven’t been.
If a person don’t want to give to a Christian organization, then please give to another charity that has proven its financially responsibility. There are sites on the internet that rate charities according to fiscal management.
I feel saddened by the negative comments made about Compassion. I don’t think they deserve that. No agency is perfect but they HAVE been in many areas a long time, even as the Holt Adoption agency has been in Korea, even at times when no other organization cared. And the media WILL move on to the next event; that’s why it’s called “news.” There’ll be another tragedy (sadly) somewhere soon.
I think that when a person reacts strongly to something that no one else seems to have picked up on (the supposed criticism of the secular media in the video), it reveals something about that person: some underlying anger, beliefs, bitterness, or bias, and we all have them. (Mea culpa) We Christians are sensitive to how our faith is portrayed, or often NOT portrayed at all, by the media. That’s probably why he made that statement that the media (for once) couldn’t ignore the faith of the Haitian people.
Grace and Peace
To the person who complained about Christians not doing anything. Compassion people LIVE in Haiti and do something for the children and families every day,but especially in crises like this. They are in the danger zone, nowhere in this message did Wess Stafford say no one else is doing anything. So quit bellyaching and do something like we did
Please keep in your prayers all of Haiti including my sponsored child Fabrice (HA797)and his family. Thank you, Compassion for all that you have done and are doing.
My child is in Gonaives. We hear buildings down but no loss of life–hoping that’s true. My heart goes out to you all with children closer to the heavy damage. Will keep you and your children in my prayers. This not knowing wears you out emotionally, I know. But I’m convinced all things work out for God’s glory and our and our children’s good–no matter how hard to believe now. Stand firm in your hope and faith. God loves Haitian children. You are all proof of that. May God give you good news and renew your hope.
I am praying for Josue, a wonderful and smart seven year old boy that I have been sponsoring since he was four. I have been blessed by his drawings and updates about his life and his growing family, and I pray that God is with him now and protects him and his family. He lives in Port-au-Prince and I can only hope that wherever he is, healing and love can be poured out to him through others. I praise God for Compassion’s hard work in finding him and I pray for the Lord’s strength to enrich the searchers and workers there. My hope is that through this disaster, we can come together as a global network and have an outpouring of compassion, love, and generosity to those wonderful children, who I know have been the complete blessing in my life and deserve the greatest of blessings in theirs.
-Carolyn (age 16)
We are praying for our dear little Normilus Ruth, who we have sponsored since 2006. We pray she and her family (father is Normilus Andrais) are alive. This has been a most difficult week just waitng, praying and searching every website for a pcture of her or her name. I pray for the courageous people of Haiti and know they are suffering so much. I know God is in control and He never makes a mistake. I praise Him for each person found alive and beg Him for the rest who are still missing.
Frank Riley says to Jen Vincent,
It is interesting to me that you were offended at the remark by Wes about the media leaving Haiti when there will still be desperate need from the Haitian people for much more help. I’m confident that Wes was not referring to individuals who genuinely are in Haiti as a labor of love–whether in or out of the media. It has been the Christian ministries like Compassion that labor in places like this for decades with help from few, but thankfully some, people outside of Christianity, and will be there long after the earthquake can no longer be considered newsworthy. This is not judgmental as if no one who works in the media has any compassion or love, I’m sure some do, but I do understand that news is a business and if they don’t keep the latest news items before the public they will be replaced by those who do. They don’t claim to be in the business of charity. Most people aren’t surprised or offended to be honest about what is reality here. The Christian ministries who you seem to despise will be there when there is no more catastrophic things to deal with than starving, oppressed, homeless people who have little hope apart from ministries like Compassion and who were eating cookies made out of dirt before the earthquake hit and gained media attention. These Haitian people and others like them around the world are daily “news headlines” in the Christian organizations that you judge as all thinking they are better. I hope you can get healed of whatever your real problem is. F.R.
My heart is broken too! As a former QCS teacher I’m wondering how the school is and the staff and students and people that I once knew. I will keep praying. Where is Benithe?
Thank you, Wess for your comments.
You captured my hearts cry.
Please, continue to pray for all of the families in Haiti and also, my child in Haiti, Gaina, and her family.
Our Haiti Earthquake Updates blog post contains the latest information.
As I publish updates, I replace the version that was previously there.
However, the updates contain the previous points along with whatever else Compassion has learned that can be used to elaborate on specific situations or older information.
Is there something particular, you were looking for?
where is yesterday’s update? it had different info in it than todays…is there no way to go back and find it? is there a reason they replaced it (using the same title maybe?) any idea how i can find yesterday’s post?
thanks for any help!
Today Focus on the Family had a segment about Haiti and they interviewed both Wess Stafford and World Vision’s president, Richard Stearns. Tomorrow you’ll need to click the link and then select the correct date, January 18 to get the broadcast. It was good to hear more about what both organizations are doing (and have done in the past) to aid Haiti.
I’m praying for my little girl christella . I received in her last letter to me from the book of mark 10:14 “LET THE LITTLE CHILDREN COME TO ME,AND DO NOT HINDER THEM,FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD BELONGS TO SUCH AS THESE” I really feel that the Lord has spoken to me through this verse…I feel that this is God reassuring me that it’s going to be alright. HIS children are safely with HIM whether it’s here on this earth or with their heavenly father in a better place.I pray by the Grace of GOD we all will see our loved ones again. God bless the little children. In Christ, Nancy
It is about the children, for the children, because of the children. It doesn’t matter what anyone says or does…it is about the children, for the children, because of the children. We have a beautiful 9 year old named Shneida who we are not sure is alive. Called today.
If a sponsored child loses
both parents in this crisis, would their associated with CI
make immigration to US a more
feasible process?
The following statement by your spokesperson re David Hames,“We are encouraged by the continuing reports of . . . We are grateful for the passionate and tremendous work David has done with us on behalf of the over one-million children in poverty that Compassion serves,” said Kathy Redmond, U.S. Communications Director at Compassion International” constitutes a crass use of a tragedy to plug your organization and its operation, however true it may be. You should apologize to the Hames family and the rest of your CI community for this tasteless reference.
Please pray for our sponsored child, Bertholdo, HA773. Compassion, please send us word on his status! Thanks so much for all you do for these children to learn about Jesus.
Shalom my dears!I would like to thank Wess for being so encouraging! I do believe that God will make a way for Haiti in Jesus’name! I will keep praying for Haiti and act also!
Hi, Jen,
I appreciate you considering using Compassion to help. I must say that I didn’t quite got the impression that Compassion was bashing the media. I’m a journalist and the very nature of news is to move on to the next piece of news. It’s not wrong and I don’t think Compassion sees it as wrong. We don’t complain that the news doesn’t cover the tsunami of 2005 now. I actually appreciate what CNN has done and their passionate coverage of the earthquake.
One other thing about Compassion is that it isn’t really primarily a relief organization. It does some, but that is not it’s primary task and purpose. It’s a child development organization and it works long term. That is not at all to say that there is anything wrong with relief charities, but it is not the focus of Compassion. I again want to emphasize that by stating that, it’s not bashing relief organization, it’s just stating that there is a difference. That was in some ways what Dr. Wess Stafford emphasized too. Compassion has been there for 40 years and Lord willing will be there for another 40 years!
Again, Jen, thank you wanting to help the people of Haiti.
I thank God that in sponsoring Luxene my eyes, ears and heart were opened and aware of the enormous hardship and strife in Haiti before the earthquake. When the earthquake struck on Tuesday, I ran to my letters that I have received from him. He lives in Gonaives 50 miles North of the epi center but his little sister had moved to Port au Prince last summer. I wish I were there with him. I wish I knew what was happening to him and his family. Thank God and Compassion that they are there with him and looking for him. Please pray for Luxene…He is an amazing little boy!
When you sponsor a child through Compassion, such as I and many others, you know first hand that they are making a difference. In my heart I know they will strive to do whatever it takes to help the people of Haiti. Thank you to everyone in this organization and God Bless.
We sponsored a girl(Lina) in Yogykarta, Indonesia when the earthquake hit there. Her house was demolished but her and her family spared. Even though it took 2 years her family’s house was re-built and their lives in their community restored. Lina has since graduated High School and is now working and helping support her family! So, take heart God watches out for all his children including the older ones (adults) also!!
pray for these precious children and their families!
our child in haiti \’s name is katiana! please pray for her by name!
I truly believe with Wess that this is not a surprise to God but that He has positioned Compassion for such a time as this.
Let us to pray continually, both now and in the coming months, that God will use our Haitian brothers and sisters in Christ to reach out practically and spiritually with God’s love to those around them.
May God bless Haiti, like never before, through the Compassion family world wide.
It sounds to me like you may be the one who needs to check your heart? There’s no time for bashing one another. Even if Compassion did what you say they have done what makes you any different by speaking bad of them? It’s time we judge ourselves and repent and turn to God so He will heal our land.
Excellent article about how barriers among different faiths have been brought down from the earthquake and how the people of Haiti have been singing praises to God since the earthquake. This one quote particularly struck me ‘She has no home, and almost all her meager possessions are gone, but she says, “I don’t feel like I am in trouble. Without Jesus, I would be in trouble.”‘
Thank you sister Joan for your prayers and sharing your experience. I hope so much to trust God more and to not feel such anxiety. I hope so much that we all hear from/about our precious children and their families soon.
God bless everyone.
Seide HA 765
Kethia HA 751
Please pray for my sponsered child and her family, Lenisse! My heart goes out to all of the wonderful people from compassion. God Bless everyone. Kim Sims HA-310
I am sorry that you got that impression because I certainly did not. Everyone working together is the solution. “Compassion” is coming from many sources around the world, & working on coordination together right now. The organization “Compassion” has been helping children for many years with Child Development Centers in Haiti & will be there for years to come. A wonderful organization (but no better than other organizations), The proof is all the children who are being helped and us as sponsors who really care that they are OK. Many of these little ones will not survive. There is praise and thankfulnesss for all who are helping in Haiti.
It is unfair at this time to say “anyone” is part of the problem. Only support is needed from everyone for all who are in Haiti helping. And, lots of prayer!
Many blessings.
Hi Jen Vincent,
I understand what you are saying. I bristled when President Stafford said “But it was the world who woke up to Haiti’s plight during these last few days. The Haitians and those of us in Compassion, we’ve known it for 40 years.”
“God’s people in Haiti are not waiting for outside assistance…the government is overwhelmed…even the secular news media could not ignore the spontaneous prayers and singing b people in the streets…I can’t help but think that those were the voice of our Compassion family…the church…Compassion living out their voice…” etc
I can tell you Jen, that I have participated in Compassion for over 10 years. And it does greatly help children and families in need. But what’s most important is that people give to credible organizations, no matter which relief agency that may be. I hope you find another organization to give to.
To Haiti Sponsors,
I lived your experience a couple of years back when there was an earthquake in Peru (the country of my beloved Juan David). Fearing the unknown is exhausting. Take rest in the assurance that Jesus knows where your child is and that Jesus is taking care of your child. Your outpouring of love concerning your children is a blessing – what a privilege we have been given in sponsoring our children. Holding all of you and all people who call Haiti home to the Lord in prayer. Pray without ceasing.
God bless you Wess, as you gave the most encouraging words I have heard yet. God is good all the time!
We are looking for information on our child Walker,HA-763,Sans Fil Developmental Center,Port-Au-Prince,Haiti,Just one year ago this week we were at his home in Haiti,A small one room,very neat and tidy room behind a store front in a small market area.
We pray for safty and Gods comfort for Walker,little sister Herbie,Father Wesnel,Mother Margreat as well as Uncle Wilbert.
Sue and Dave,Lincoln,NE
Re: Jen Vincent
At risk of being argumentative I didn’t hear any attacks on the media, not quite sure where you got that. What I heard was him say that even the secular media took notice of the strong faith of the Haitians, even when their lives are literally falling down around them. Simply stated Compassion was working in Haiti before, and will be there after the initial rush of international aid ceases to flow. No attacks were given…only a loving reminder that those of us who sponsor Compassion children know that our money is used wisely and that Compassion can be trusted to spend your donation where you intended it to be spent; on the people of Haiti.
God Bless!
thank you for taking the time to share your love of haiti.
“the church being the church” brought me to tears, as did the evacuees, sleeping in the streets and open spaces, calming the children with songs and prayers through the darkest of nights.
we are praying, giving, and telling others how best to help.
God is good.
Why do Christian organizations think that they ALWAYS do better, know better, are better than someone else. Step up and stop griping about what the media is trying to do to help these people. Why can’t you commend the media for what they are doing. CNN, for one, has compassionately gone into Haiti and spent tireless hours keeping the people across the world up to date on what is happening. Dr. Gupta, for one, spent an entire night by himself helping dying people. Why can’t you acknowledge his COMPASSION, rather than tear them down. I considered helping your organization, but not after your negative attacks on others who are trying just as hard to help. Maybe you should look at yourself and see that YOU might be the problem, rather than the solution.
Please continue praying for the people of Haiti, our child Charles Jensley and family HA-741 in Delmas.
Ed, Paula and Taylor
I sponsor a 16-year-old girl named Magdala who lives in Bourdon near the epicenter. Please pray for her and her family.