It’s Time Extreme Poverty Came to an End

From the prayers, to writing letters, to a personal visit, being touched by God’s grace through a sponsored child is a tremendous gift.

58 campaign link Sponsors, you and I come to help, but end up receiving unexpected and wonderful blessings ourselves. If you are like me, you often pray that you could sponsor more children. Perhaps all of the rest of them.

Which is why Compassion is part of 58:. We want to end extreme poverty in our lifetime. 58: is about all of the other children that I can’t sponsor, but want to.

Starting today, at the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit, 58: will be introduced to 80,000 church pastors and leaders.

For the duration of the summit, a free promotional kit for the 58: film is available.

The 58: Film is a feature length movie that will be released in October to communities worldwide. It’s the inspiring true story of the global Church in action.

You can also view the 58: THE FILM trailer on

Please pray about the call of Isaiah 58 regarding the poor and what it means for you and I. Pray that we would all boldly rise up to take action in some way.

It is time extreme poverty came to an end!

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