How do you express to your mom how much you love her? Tell your wife what an incredible mother she is to your children?
Mother’s Day is a great opportunity to provide the women in our lives with tangible expressions of love. But what if there was a way you could do that while also tapping into the real heartbeat of a mom — helping other moms.
Here are 10 Mother’s Day Gifts that show the moms in your life how loved and valued they are — while also providing hope and opportunities for mothers and children in poverty.
1. For the NEW MOM
She’s the mom who is deeply in love with that new little baby … and deeply, deeply exhausted. And she understands just how hard being a mother can be. Honor the New Mom in your life by giving a Newborn Care Package — a gift that will ensure that a mother in poverty has the resources she needs to care for her child. Add-On Idea: You can also get her a gift card for a manicure so she can have a little pampering.
Give the Gift of NEWBORN CARE ›
She’s that mom who’s always prepared — a purse full of water bottles, granola bars and Band-Aids to take care of any need. Honor the Girl Scout Mom in your life by giving a Water Well — a gift that will help mothers in poverty make sure their children are cared for and have access to clean, safe water. Add-On Idea: You can also get her a box of Girl Scout cookies to keep in that purse of hers!
Give the Gift of A WATER WELL ›
She can make anything grow. And every time you see her she has a bag of tomatoes that she just picked that morning. Honor the Green Thumb Mom in your life by giving Garden Seeds — a gift that will help a family in poverty grow food that they can eat, sell in the market and, yes, even share with their neighbors. Add-On Idea: You can also get her some garden seeds of her own and a trowel as she plants this spring’s garden.
Give the Gift of GARDEN SEEDS ›
She doesn’t necessarily have to teach in the classroom, but this mom loves to shape young minds and expand the world of each child she encounters. Honor the Teacher Mom in your life by giving Textbooks — a gift that will help children around the world find the knowledge and skills to escape poverty. Add-On Idea: You can also get her a mug emblazoned with “World’s Best Teacher” because that’s exactly what she is.
5. For the COUPON MOM
This mom never leaves home without coupons! She loves a good bargain, because saving money means she can provide even more for her family. Honor the Coupon-Clipping Mom in your life by giving an Income-Generation Bundle — a gift that will help a mother in poverty learn how to manage a small business and care for the needs of her family. Add-On Idea: You can also make a book of homemade coupons for her, because every mother is a softy for a “One Free Hug” coupon!
Give the Gift of INCOME GENERATION ›
6. For the CRAFTY MOM
She’s the mom who can make a praying mantis costume for the school play out of pipe cleaners and paper clips without even breaking a sweat. Honor the Crafty Mom in your life by giving Sewing Classes — a gift that will help a teen in poverty learn valuable life skills that will help her find a job and literally change her future. Add-On Idea: You can also get her a sewing kit, because school play costumes don’t just sew themselves you know!
Give the Gift of SEWING CLASSES ›
This is the mom who loves telling children the stories of the Bible. She’s not afraid of pretending to be an elephant on Noah’s ark if that means a child will better understand God’s promises. Honor the Sunday School Mom in your life by giving Bibles — a gift that will ensure that a child in poverty will have his or her very own copy of God’s promises to bring comfort and faith. Add-On Idea: You can also get her a devotional book that she can read without having to make animal noises.
She’s the epitome of the do-it-yourself mom. She loves finding innovative ways to care for her family. She makes their laundry soap, bakes their bread, and maybe even has a few chickens in the backyard. Honor the Free Range Mom in your life by giving Chickens — a gift that allows a mother in poverty to care for her own family and gives her a resource to provide both food and an income. Add-On Idea: You can also make her a pan of homemade granola bars to eat as a power snack between the baking and the egg gathering.
9. For the PTA MOM
This is the mom who gets things done. She always has a checklist, and she loves to volunteer and organize — all for the sake of providing a place for children to feel safe and cared for. Honor the PTA Mom in your life by giving a Safe Playground — a gift that means children in poverty will have a place to play that is free of danger. Add-On Idea: You can also get her a gift card to her favorite restaurant, because even the PTA Mom needs a night off.
Give the Gift of a SAFE PLAYGROUND ›
10. For the BOOKWORM MOM
She can always be found curled up with a good book. Sometimes a novel but more often a dog-eared copy of Goodnight Moon. Honor the Bookwork Mom in your life by giving Literacy Classes — a gift that will help a mother in poverty learn to read and write, a skill that will give her confidence and teach her children how important education is. Add-On Idea: You can also get her a new book by her favorite author — just make sure it’s not a book with pictures.
Give the Gift of LITERACY CLASSES ›

The Beauty of Unique Mother’s Day Gifts That Truly Make a Difference
As you can see in this handy Mother’s Day gift guide, there are so many ways we can express love and appreciation for the incredible mothers in our lives. These unique Mother’s Day gifts are not just beautiful expressions of gratitude and affection but also ways to give back.
With these unique Mother’s Day gift ideas, you’re not only brightening your own mom’s day, but you’re also supporting struggling mothers in poverty. From a simple yet nourishing Newborn Care Package for a new mom to an empowering Small Business Startup where parents of Compassion-assisted children receive training in jobs they can perform in their communities, each gift will change a life and leave a lasting legacy. And who knows, these might even inspire some Mother’s Day gifts from daughter to mother, continuing the cycle of giving!
One last idea: Have you thought about giving your mom a special Mother’s Day gift basket? If you want to abundantly bless your mom, you could put together a basket with some concrete gifts and include several of the meaningful gifts above! By combining these unique gifts for Mother’s Day, you could craft an even more memorable and powerful gift. Not only will you be blessing your mom, but you’ll also be offering hope, opportunity and empowerment to so many other moms — gifts that are indeed priceless!
We hope this Mother’s Day gift guide is helpful and inspiring. Giving gifts that bless your mom and other moms in poverty is a beautiful way to celebrate Mother’s Day, and it honors the incredible power of a mother’s love, which truly can reach across continents and touch lives.
3 Comments |Add a comment
One of the best post about unique gifts ideas I have read today. Keep up the good work and keep spreading positivity all around the globe.
Wonderful! Will pass on to my follower’s. I had a Compassion child for over 11 years named Helena. Often wonder how she is since she is now a mom herself. Blessings to Compassion, JO WILMER
Great post with excellent suggestions! I would add that Mother’s Day is the busiest day of the year for restaurants, so while you are treating mom to lunch, you can also feed another mom with ‘Food for a Mom and Baby’, $15 for a month of nutritious food. What a delicious way to honor your mom!