5 Free and Fun Family Activities to Do at Home

Need some fun family activities to do at home? Here are five great ideas to keep your family learning, growing and playing.
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Mariam is something of a celebrity in her Ugandan community. Everyone wants to share the story of the 6-year-old’s incredible transformation. To her neighbors and fellow sponsored children, Mariam is a reason to hope — even when the future looks about as bleak as it can get.
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International Literacy Day: A Tale of Two Girls
Every child deserves the same access to quality education. But they don’t all get it. Meet two girls, both who live in poverty but whose educational stories are very different.

4 Fun Summer Activities for Kids to Do at Home
If you’re looking for ideas for family fun this summer, we have some great resources for you! These activities are designed to entertain the kids in your life — while also teaching them what life is like around the world. Check out these recipes, crafts and games to keep your kids cool and compassionate this summer!

How to Teach Your Kids About the World With a Pen Pal
Do your kids have a special term for the child your family sponsors? Some kids use “sponsored friend,” “long-distance sister” or “brother in Uganda.” But what about “international pen pal”? Thinking of the child you sponsor as a pen pal could inspire your kids to write more letters. And that gives you a positive response whenever they say they’re bored this summer: “Why don’t we write to our pen pal?” Learn how you can use writing letters to your very own international pen pal to teach your children, while brightening the day — and life — of the child you sponsor.

40 Questions to Ask in Your Letters for Every Season of the Year
Do you sometimes find yourself in a letter-writing rut? Need some inspiration for writing letters to the child you sponsor? Look no farther than your calendar! Here’s a list of questions to ask your sponsored child based on seasons and holidays.