What Is My Calling?
When we grumble about dissatisfaction in life or start craving someone else’s position, are we denying our true calling?
Spirituality Is a Way of Life
Is it OK to think of some activities as spiritual and others as “not spiritual” but ordinary or secular? What is the danger of thinking this way, if any?
Three Things the Waldo Canyon Fire Taught Me
The Waldo Canyon fire gave summer intern Allison Temnick a unique chance to see the Body of Christ operate in its purest form. And through this experience, God revealed to her three things.
The God of All Comfort
Ask God for comfort. He’ll give it in the most personal way.
In the Waiting Room
Our human thoughts can overshadow our faith, but that’s when we have to keep in mind that, “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”
Has Our Worth Been Hijacked?
Advertisers will spend $447.5 billion dollars this year to convince people with disposable income that they don’t have enough. Meanwhile, 1.4 billion people are currently living on less than $1.25 a day.
The “H” Word
Hope is the only thing that can enable you to look up. It’s the only thing you can cling to when you know that the world has kept on going even though you’ve stopped and you know you have to join them again.
Let Us Never Lose Hope
The hope of the world lies in things that perish — a better job, a higher income, a bigger car, a larger house. In contrast, the hope that God offers us is divine and eternal.
Joy in the Mourning
Fully aware of God’s relentless pursuit of her, one sponsor knew He wanted to use her grief for His glory. Sponsorship was her surrender to Him.
Worn Out
Engage in Elijah’s story. Take care of yourself. Eat, rest, regain your reserves.
Superheroes and Boundaries
Why did God rest? Why did He create that boundary if He is an infinite God?
Made for a Purpose
God has made each of us in a particular way with strengths and abilities that we are to use to serve Him. He also has a specific set of responsibilities for us to accomplish with these gifts.