Child Sponsorship Works — Juan David Dominguez Galvez
Does child sponsorship through Compassion really work? How does it make a difference in the life of a child?
The Voice
One night, alone in a field, our president and CEO cried out on behalf of children around the world, and God answered.
CSP: Child Survival Program or Christ Shining Powerfully
You are the reason our lives are changed. We thank God for giving you as helpers. Now, our faith in God is increased. And we are hopeful of a bright future for our children.
You’re More Than a Sponsor
You are more than a sponsor. You are an answer to prayer, a vital helping hand, a voice of hope, a mentor and a friend.
Compassion Sunday 2011 – Thank You
Compassion Sunday 2011 took place this Sunday, April 10. Because of your participation in this annual event many children around the world have the chance to overcome poverty.
Join Us for One Day Without Shoes
Join us tomorrow, April 5, 2011, in TOMS Shoes’ annual event — One Day Without Shoes — to raise awareness of the impact a pair of shoes can have on a child’s life.
What Is Geotagging, and What Does It Have to Do With My Sponsored Child?
As a child advocacy organization, we believe that children should be kept safe and protected in all situations, including online.
World Water Day 2011 — How Can Clean Water Make a Difference?
A person can live four weeks without food, but only three days, depending on the circumstances without water. Lack of water can cause short-term memory loss, fatigue, and trouble learning. Your body will not function without water.
The First Letter Builds a Cornerstone
The first letters are a cornerstone to building the new relationship between sponsor and a Compassion-assisted child. These letters make the sponsorship commitment more personal, and now Vanesa and Alexandra will be waiting to hear back from their sponsors.
The World Will See
I believe there will be a day when the world looks back on this incident in Haiti and sees that God is still in control. God is still here. Download the free song, The World Will See.
Building Relationships That Last!
Ouma Willy, a former Leadership Development Program student who currently studies at Moody Bible Institute, shares his experience as a recipient of letters from sponsors. His testimony will no doubt encourage you to keep writing to your sponsored children!
Doing the Right Thing: A Man Who Took No Bribe
While Patrick was working as an intern at a pharmaceutical company, he was asked repeatedly to pass a drug that had harmful chemicals in it. In fact, Patrick was offered 10 million Ugandan shillings — enough for him and his family to buy land and a new house.