Why Help People in Poverty in Other Countries When People Need Help Here?

Why Help People in Poverty in Other Countries When People Need Help Here?

Our time and resources are finite, yet there seems to be infinite need. We want to be kind to people in poverty and we want to do it wisely. Here are a few things to consider as you struggle through this question for yourself.

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What Poverty Tourism Gets Wrong

A woman selling beans on a street in Kibera, where some people go for poverty tourism.

Is poverty tourism just a harmless way to gain insight into what it’s like to live in poverty? Sidney Muisyo explains the underlying and deeply flawed messages that slum tours are based on and can further ingrain in us. He also explains how you can visit an impoverished community in a way that is mutually honoring and beneficial.

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ending poverty boy wearing a swimming mask

The Key to Ending Poverty is Hope

The key to ending poverty resides in the capacity of human beings—and their view of their own capacity—to facilitate positive change.

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child's face

What Are Complementary Interventions?

What are Complementary Interventions? How do Complementary Interventions help children living in the developing world?

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A young student holding a binder

What Does Success Look Like?

When people ask us what success looks like, we point to our children. Our children like Sandiele.

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group of children jumping in air

Blog Month 2013 Starts September 1

Blog Month 2013 starts September 1, and the goal is to get 3,160 children sponsored online by 11:59 p.m. MT on September 30.

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smiling girls

The Emerging Metrics of Doing Good

Despite conventional wisdom, the accurate headline is that investments to fight abject global poverty are showing incredible returns. While that’s good news in itself, the subhead indicates that we have a new ally in doing good: independent, empirically tested outcomes for charitable work.

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photo scavenger hunt soccer

It’s Time for a Photo Scavenger Hunt

We’re holding a photo scavenger hunt for the rest of July, complete with prizes. So, get your camera (or phone) ready.

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Suzi Martin in El Salvador

A Beautiful Visit and Hope for the Future

Despite the hurt and past experiences, Veronica has hope that her daughters’ futures will be different. Our ministry is fueling that hope through the local church and child development center where they are registered.

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Support Kids: What Happens When a Child Isn't Sponsored?

What Happens When a Child Isn’t Sponsored?

When someone stops sponsoring a child, the Unsponsored Children’s fund fills the gap so that children can continue to receive support until a new sponsor is found. For 9-year-old Happy, this fund helped save her life.

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woman with three children

Best Of: The Value of Family

From why sponsorship benefits a family living in the developing world, to an entire family embracing their sponsored child, the value of family is a theme you will often see woven into the stories we share. We took the liberty of choosing some of our best family related blog posts for you.

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Graphic showing mothers and children helped in 2013

What’s the Reality for Mothers Around the World?

There are 2 billion moms in the world. How can we help mothers around the world who live in extreme poverty?

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Compassion sign about malaria.

Malaria Bites! Bite Back.

What does malaria feel like? If malaria goes untreated, what can it lead to?

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Close-up photo of a mosquito.

A Creative Writing Assignment for World Malaria Day 2013

Half of the world’s population, 3.3 billion people, is vulnerable to malaria. And it’s all because of mosquitoes.

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