How Will COVID-19 Impact Children in Poverty?

A girl with a checked face mask leans on a jungle gym.

We’re all feeling the weight of COVID-19. But in the communities where Compassion works, things are becoming desperate. Although children seem to have less severe symptoms from COVID-19, the long-term ripple effects of the pandemic could be devastating for the world’s children.

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What Poverty Tourism Gets Wrong

A woman selling beans on a street in Kibera, where some people go for poverty tourism.

Is poverty tourism just a harmless way to gain insight into what it’s like to live in poverty? Sidney Muisyo explains the underlying and deeply flawed messages that slum tours are based on and can further ingrain in us. He also explains how you can visit an impoverished community in a way that is mutually honoring and beneficial.

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A group of children in Honduras smile for the camera.

3 Ways the World Has Changed for Children in 30 Years

This year, Compassion joins other humanitarian and child-focused organizations around the world to celebrate a landmark: the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. A convention might sound a little boring, but this historic meeting laid out the human rights that apply to all children. We have a lot to celebrate about the progress children’s rights have made in the last 30 years. We’d like to highlight three ways things have changed in the past 30 years for children.

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A woman in a coral colored sweater hugs a little girl in a red shirt.

What Does a Compassion Center Director Do?

It takes many people to make Compassion’s program at the child development center successful, including volunteers, teachers, cooks and cleaning staff. But at the forefront are center directors. Learn more about these passionate people ministering to the most impoverished children in their areas.

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Drought in Ethiopia Famine

Drought in Ethiopia: A Déjà vu Famine?

Despite significant economic growth over the past decade, Ethiopia still remains one of the world’s poorest countries and is yet again threatened with food insecurity in different parts of the country due to El Niño. Beyond food relief – a noble act in itself since a hungry child does not know the word ‘tomorrow’ – what must we do today to ensure that that there is food tomorrow?

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rocky ground

What We Learn from Ants

If you have ever seen an African anthill against a backdrop of one of those stunning African sunsets, you will realize that King Solomon was onto something when he challenged people to learn from the ants.

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school children running down road in Kenya

Why Hope Triumphs Over Poverty

If people are a nation’s greatest resource, why are so many countries in Africa poor yet the birthrate in Africa the highest in the world?

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men standing inside a church praying

A Spirit of Service… and Humility

We know what we are: Sinners in need of a Savior and saints who are called to serve. Our sinfulness and saintliness are the primary reasons we need humility.

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