Twins Overcome Poverty as Expert Craftsmen of Guitars and Hope
Kulwa and Doto are creative twin brothers who have come out of incredible adversity to become craftsmen of guitars, fashion and hope.

She’s Aspiring to Be a Coder Who Inspires People
Georgina overcame the effects that poverty and illiteracy had on her community to become a coder with big ideas to help other children like her to succeed.

3 Things Paving My Way to Be an Aviation Mechanic
I’m Gabriela and I’m 17 years old. I am currently studying for a technical high school degree in aviation mechanics. I never thought this could be possible. Where I’m from, becoming an aviation mechanic is known as a career for men instead of women, and technical courses aren’t normally affordable for families like mine.

How One Church Is Winning the Fight Against the Sex Trade in Thailand With Soccer
At all hours of the day or night, young boys will exchange their lunch money for time in front of a computer. Captivated by the online games, they are not unlike addicts — unable and unwilling to cut the ties to the only escape they have from their challenging lives in the slums. But the game parlors hide a sinister and dangerous secret. These always-open, unsupervised establishments full of impoverished children make prime target areas for recruiters looking to pull boys and young men into the sex trade.

15 Successful Compassion Alumni Share About Life After Sponsorship
We know child sponsorship works, but don’t just take our word for it. Meet these inspiring and successful Compassion alumni as they share about life after sponsorship. They are tangible proof that the cycle of poverty can be broken…one empowered youth at a time.

Rosa Cueto Vega: The Survival Journey of a Dreamer
Born in Villa El Salvador, southern Lima, Peru, Rosa Cueto Vega was surrounded by hills, sand and poverty. She experienced hunger and suffering. In the midst of her family’s struggle for survival, she didn’t have the luxury of dreaming for a future.

What Is Not Visible: A Genocide Survivor’s Redemptive Journey [VIDEO]
Methode endured the Rwandan Genocide when he was 6 years old. Now over 20 years later, he recounts his journey through the heartbreaking loss of his family, his pain and bitterness, and the ultimate forgiveness of those who killed his family.

One Shy Little Girl Becomes Hope for the Abused
With a big smile on her face, Compassion alumni Lety greets every person who walks by. It is hard to believe that this same confident businesswoman was once a very shy girl with no dreams.

Ask Jimmy: Leadership Development, Gifts and Prayer
What changes are in the works for our Leadership Development Program and how can you best meet the needs of the child you sponsor? Find out in the last part of the “Ask Jimmy” blog series.

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty through Education
Sarah Mae and Rizza Mae are about to exit from the Child Sponsorship Development Program feeling ready to face the world. Having learned valuable lessons and skills, they are breaking the cycle of poverty in their lives.

Foster Development, Not Dependence
Development is what Compassion is about. We don’t want to give a handout; we want to do the things that will truly help a child become a self-sustaining, responsible adult.

Conversations with Alumni: Proof That’s Real [VIDEO]
I know you’ve thought it. I’ve thought it. If we’re being honest, we’ve ALL thought it…
Is this child real?
Does this whole sponsorship thing really work?
Where is my money really going?
When you walk into a Compassion program at any of our local church partners in any of the 25 countries where we are privileged to work, you will find the same holistic program being implemented.
But you don’t have to take my word for it….