Compassion means to see the suffering of others and take action to stop it. But in this “me, me, me” world we live in, how do we teach our kids to love others enough to show compassion? Here, we guide you through a simple “compassion” definition for kids as well as ways you can teach your little ones how to care and act on behalf of others.
Plus, we’ll share real-life examples of compassion you can use to illustrate this love to your children.
Key Takeaways:
- A simple compassion definition to share with your kids is this: Compassion means seeing someone who needs help and then being that help.
- Jesus is the ultimate example of compassion, as he consistently took action to care for others by healing the sick, feeding the hungry and sharing the gospel.
- Some ways to teach your children compassion include highlighting daily opportunities to care, being an example and helping someone in need together.
- A Simple Compassion Definition for Kids
- Teaching Kids Compassion: 4 Ways
- 3 Examples of Compassion to Share With Your Little Ones
A Simple Compassion Definition for Kids
What does compassion mean? Here’s a simple compassion definition for kids:
Compassion means seeing someone who needs help and then being that help.
In other words, compassion is love in action. It means to see someone suffering and do what it takes to stop their pain. It means to see someone who needs help and then choose to step in instead of looking the other way. Compassion means to care and then act.
Who do we know who showed incredible compassion? Jesus. Throughout his time on Earth, Jesus consistently stepped in to end the suffering of others:
- He saw the hunger of the 5,000, fed them and healed their sick (Matthew 14).
- He raised Jairus’ daughter from the dead (Mark 5).
- He willingly touched the man with leprosy to heal him (Matthew 8).
- He taught those around him the good news of the gospel (Mark 1).
- He died on a cross to save us from our sin (Matthew 27).
“When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.” — Matthew 14:14, NIV
When Jesus saw the needs of others, he knew he could do something to help. So he did. Jesus is the perfect example of love in action. And if we follow in his footsteps, we’ll learn how to show compassion toward others too.

Teaching Kids Compassion: 4 Ways
There are many ways we can teach our kids to be compassionate, from showing them opportunities to be love in action to leading by example. Let’s dive in!
1. Highlight Day-to-Day Opportunities
Take advantage of day-to-day moments by highlighting simple opportunities for your children to show compassion.
For example, you might notice an older woman trying to load her car at the grocery store. Ask your kids, “How can we show compassion?” Could you offer to help? Could you return her shopping cart for her?
Or you might notice a child at the park who is playing alone. Ask your little ones how they can care and act. Perhaps they could ask the child to join them or simply start up a conversation.

2. Be an Example of Compassion
Here’s the truth: Your children are watching and learning from you. The simplest way to show your children what it means to be compassionate is to lead by example. When you have opportunities to show compassion, take them!
And listen, showing compassion doesn’t have to be some grand move. It’s in the little moments that your children learn how to love. For example, holding the door open for a mama at church with her hands full or simply giving someone a hug who’s going through something hard.
Remember: Taking advantage of these small moments is making big impressions on your little ones. After all, Proverbs 22:6 (NIV) says, “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”

3. Help Someone in Need Together
What happens when you put together tips No. 1 and No. 2? You find an even more powerful way to teach compassion: helping someone in need with your children!
Showing compassion together creates a memorable experience for your little ones that they won’t soon forget. It’s precious time together that underscores the importance of helping others for your children.
There are many ways you can get involved together. For example, volunteer at a local charity on a Saturday morning. Or offer to go pick up groceries for a neighbor together.
Another fun and simple way to show compassion is to sponsor a child living in poverty. Child sponsorship involves donating monthly to a child in need and encouraging them through messages and prayer.
Together, you can:
- Write messages to the child you sponsor to show them they’re loved and cared for.
- Pray for the child you sponsor before dinner or at bedtime.
- Learn about the child’s country and what poverty looks like, helping you build empathy for others.
- Come up with fun ways to earn extra money to donate to a cause impacting the child you sponsor.
Through all of this, you’ll grow closer together while showing compassion to a child in desperate need of it. What could be better than that?

Franklin smiles with joy as he reads a new letter from his sponsor.
4. Use These Resources
Looking for extra tools for teaching your kids to be compassionate? Here are some kid-friendly resources to add to your compassion tool kit:
- Play Compassion Dash: In this free online game, kids can race through the neighborhoods of the Dominican Republic delivering food packs to families in need.
- Check out Compassion Explorer: This kid-focused magazine provides devotionals, activities, stories, recipes and so much more that teach your little ones about poverty and what showing kindness looks like. Explorer also includes kid-friendly information on advocacy that you can use to teach your kiddos what it looks like to speak up for others.
- Watch these fun, illustrated videos: BibleProject partnered with Compassion International to create a three-week video series all about compassion, justice and generosity. These brightly illustrated videos dive deep into what God’s Word says about these topics.

3 Examples of Compassion to Share With Your Little Ones
At Compassion International, we get to see love in action every single day. We have so many examples of incredible people stepping up to care for and love those in need. Here are a few of these stories you can share with your kiddos.
Justine Helps Children in Need of Education
When Justine was a little girl, she went through abuse and violence from her father, who soon left her family. Her mom had a hard time caring for her, so Justine often went hungry.
But, after being registered at her local Compassion center, Justine received food for her hungry belly, an education and the love of Jesus. Justine learned how to be compassionate by seeing the compassion others had for her.
Now, Justine shows compassion for children living in poverty by teaching them. She gives them an education they wouldn’t otherwise have, changing their lives forever.
Read More of Justine’s Story >

Benlie Gifts Kids With Safe Bathrooms
Can you imagine having to use a dirty, smelly and dark bathroom? That was the reality for kids at one local church in the Philippines, until Benlie stepped in.
Benlie is the Compassion center director for his church. And one day, when he saw the little ones around him using the old, dark and damp bathroom to wash their hands, he got an idea to build a new bathroom.
But Benlie didn’t have what was needed to build it. So he prayed and reached out to Compassion for the money he needed to get started. His act of compassion resulted in a safe new washroom for the children, completely free of diseases that could make them sick.

A Church Builds Beds for Kids Sleeping on the Floor
Did you know that millions of children around the world don’t have beds to sleep in? This was true for children up high in the mountains of Ecuador. But then a local church saw their need and acted with compassion to meet it.
Seeing the children suffering from sickness and pain after sleeping on cold, hard floors, a local church began building and delivering beds to children in their community. They’ve built and delivered more than 50 beds, helping little ones get the sleep they need.

We want to wrap up with just a little encouragement for you. Whether you’re a parent, grandparent or someone trying to disciple the children around you, know this: God sees your efforts, and they’re not in vain.
Although teaching kids compassion can be hard at times, God is proud of you! And he’s faithful to help you. Keep loving and showing compassion in front of your little ones — God’s got you.
Show Compassion. Help a Child in Need Together.
Sponsoring a child will not only bring you and your kids together, but it will help teach them the power of compassion.

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