It’s a beautiful day as I walk into the Compassion office. I meet Susan, who is from a different part of the country. I do not understand her mother tongue, and neither does she understand mine. Our cultures are different, but Compassion has brought us together.
I try to guess how many ethnic languages are represented in this office, and I can identify at least 16! We are from different tribes, but the love of God enables us to work harmoniously in this ministry.
Kenya has had several ethnic clashes, but Compassion staff have continued to work amicably and hold each other up in prayer. I attend chapel, and the singing is great. I thank God for Compassion, which recognizes God and allows time for us to worship Him.

As I look around, I realize that we come from different denominations. Despite the differences in religious affiliations, we all worship together, and we see each other as belonging to the same Father. Some churches are hostile to each other, but Compassion has helped to remove these barriers.
After the devotion I join Susan, who is hosting a group from Korea. What a passionate group of sponsors they are! They love God and are so eager to support children in poverty. I cannot help but marvel at the love God has put in their hearts.
They are from a very different part of the globe, yet they support children who are so different from them and whom they have never met. Today is a great day for them, as they will meet their sponsored children for the first time.
I thank God for the many people who make Compassion succeed in its work: pastors, project workers, staff, sponsors, and donors. They are from different cultures, churches, and races, yet all are working together to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name.
For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body — whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free. — 1 Corinthians 12:13, NIV
Prayer: May God help us to see each person as a child of God, irrespective of their race, culture, or religious affiliation. May we genuinely express our love for each child of God.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Samwel Mwaniki works as the PC Manager for Compassion Kenya.
Read all the One in Spirit devotionals.
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What a wonderful prayer
May God help us to see each person as a child of God, irrespective of their race, culture, or religious affiliation. May we genuinely express our love for each child of God.
Courtesy of Compassion International: