Is it true that Jesus, the Savior of the world, prays for us? The Bible tells us that Jesus intercedes for us, his children. Incredible, right? Here, we’ll dive into what the Bible says about Jesus’ prayers for us, what they mean for you and how you can follow his example.
What’s Here:
- Where in the Bible Did Jesus Pray for Us?
- Jesus Intercedes for Us: What That Means for You
- Following Jesus’ Example and Praying for Others
Where in the Bible Did Jesus Pray for Us?
Jesus prioritized prayer while here on earth. For example, Jesus talked to God before his baptism (Luke 3:21), before he chose his disciples (Luke 6:12) and so many other countless times. But Jesus also prayed on behalf of the 12 disciples and all future believers, including us.
Jesus’ Prayer for His Disciples
Before going to the cross, Jesus showed his love for the 12 disciples by praying for them. Jesus cared for his disciples even as he prepared to go to the cross, equipping them in prayer for the work to come. This powerful prayer is found in John 17.
“My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified.” — John 17:15-19, NIV
Jesus’ Prayer for Us
Right after Jesus prayed for the 12 disciples, he also prayed for us. Yes, he said a prayer for all that would believe in him after hearing the good news of the gospel. He prayed that all believers would be one with him and the Father in unity so that the world would know God’s love for us.
“I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one — I in them and you in me — so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” — John 17:22-23, NIV
Jesus Intercedes for Us: What That Means for You
Soon after he prayed these prayers, Jesus died on a cross for our sins. After three days, he arose, defeating death. But then he ascended into heaven and now sits at the right hand of the Father, interceding for us.
Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died — more than that, who was raised to life — is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. — Romans 8:34, NIV
To “intercede” means to speak up and intervene on behalf of another. Jesus intervened on our behalf when he went to the cross. He took our sin and shame on his shoulders and gave us righteousness in return. And now we can become Christians and spend eternity with him!
But he didn’t stop intervening after that. Now, he constantly speaks up for us, still asking the Father to care for us and show us compassion.
Jesus’ intercession? It’s permanent. What he did on our behalf will last for eternity. No matter what we do or go through, if we continue to follow Jesus, we can trust that he’s still standing between us and condemnation. Jesus is always and forever interceding for us, bringing us back to the Father.

Following Jesus’ Example and Praying for Others
If Jesus prayed for others, we should too! While he’s the only one who can intercede between us and the condemnation of sin, we can still care for those around us in need. And when we do, we actively bring them closer to Jesus.
Now sure how to pray for others? Here are some quick prayer starters:
- Pray for those around you in need of Jesus.
- Pray for your friends or family members going through something hard.
- Pray for those in your community who might be hungry or in need of resources.
- Pray for communities around the world facing conflict, such as those in Haiti.
- Pray for children around the world living in devastating poverty.
Meet Ricardo: Proof of the Power of Prayer

At Compassion, we believe prayer is powerful. And that’s why we share about the importance of prayer with the children we serve. We’ve seen prayer working in the lives of children time and time again. And Ricardo’s story? It just might inspire you to pray for someone today.
In 2022, Ricardo from Bolivia suffered a severe stomachache that ended in an emergency appendectomy. Two months later, doctors informed Ricardo and his mother, Fanny, that he had a serious infection and would need another surgery.

The surgery didn’t go as planned, and the doctors told Fanny that Ricardo may not make it. But with faith in God, Fanny knew exactly what to do. She called Ricardo’s Compassion center and asked the center directors, Pastor Raúl and Sister Graciela, to pray. And that’s exactly what they did.
The two came and visited Ricardo, prayed for him and read Scripture to him. And although Ricardo’s body was wracked with pain and his heart was filled with sadness, his soul strengthened.
As he followed Raúl and Graciela’s lead, asking the Father to help him, his sadness faded away, and he began to fight.
Ricardo’s body followed his soul and began to strengthen too. And after several weeks, he was able to return home. God continued to answer Ricardo and Fanny’s prayers as the Compassion center stepped in to pay for Ricardo’s medication and the cost of the special diet he required.

Now, with trust in God and a healthy body, Ricardo is dreaming of playing drums in the praise band at church and aims to help others in his community by introducing them to the hope found in Jesus.
Jesus prayed and interceded for us. And Pastor Raúl and Sister Graciela followed in Jesus’ footsteps to do the same for a child in need. And the result? Miraculous. You can be someone’s miracle by making time each day to pray for others.
Pray With Compassion
Want to follow in Jesus’ footsteps to pray for others in need? Join us in prayer for children living in poverty!

3 Comments |Add a comment
off topic but I didn’t get a sponsorship welcome packet for Razak. And I’ve sponsored him since May 2024
Hello friends, I’m sorry to hear that you didn’t receive a welcome packet for Razak. We would love to make sure that you still receive that. Can you email us at [email protected] to check on that? Thank you!
What a beautiful and inspiring story. Thank you so much for sharing and Merry Christmas to all!