I have been working for Compassion for many years, and during this time I have seen our ministry bear much fruit. Each time I meet with Leadership Development Program students, I feel renewed and inspired.

In the beginning of the program, they wrote their dreams on a poster. Two years later, they said, “Many of our dreams have already come true, and now God has placed bigger dreams in our hearts.” Yes, they have learned to dream and to believe in a future of hope.
One dream of our ministry in Brazil is to impact the poorest children in our country, children who live a reality we could not imagine existing in our country. They need bread, but mainly they need the Bread of Life. They inspire us to give our best.
Of all the important moments I have lived in this ministry, the one that has most impacted my life was the celebration of 50 years of Compassion. I was amazed with the theme, “It is all about Jesus.”
I know this personally. My life is different because Christ is the center of everything. Nothing that I do is important if I don’t do it for the Lord’s glory and if it doesn’t change and save people’s lives.
The time-capsule ceremony was very touching. It was buried in front of Compassion, a document to be opened on the 100-year anniversary. This document represents the commitment of this generation to Jesus and to leave a legacy for future generations.
Again, nothing makes sense, everything is pointless, if it is not “all about Jesus.”
We can dream God’s dreams, because it is written, “What God has planned for people who love him is more than eyes have seen or ears have heard. It has never even entered our minds!” (1 Corinthians 2:9, CEV). Everything belongs to Him and for Him. It is all about Jesus.
For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen. —Romans 11:36, NIV
Prayer: Lord, may we be sensitive to your voice every day. May our hearts be entirely yours, and may we remember that everything is yours. It is all about you, Jesus.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Susete Cardoso serves as the Country Director for Compassion Brazil.
Read all the One in Spirit devotionals.
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