When Christmas arrives, we think of safe travel or being home with family — being together in a safe place. At Christmas I also think about our Compassion child development centers.

For me, our child development centers represent a “safe place” for kids. If you’ve traveled where we work, you know exactly what I mean.
I can’t tell you how much you feel the atmosphere change when you walk through the door into one of these centers.
It may be dangerous, or dirty, or chaotic on the outside, but it feels like an island — like a refuge — inside.
What did the stable feel like for Mary and Joseph? It certainly wasn’t the sanitary place you envision for childbirth. It wasn’t “home.” And it wasn’t a welcoming hotel room.
But for the night, it became safe. It became a refuge. And a child came out of it who will ultimately rule the world when He comes again.
All from a safe place. All from a refuge. Maybe even — holy ground.
This Christmas I want to thank you for all you do to make possible our “fifty-five-hundred-plus” safe places for children. A refuge from the street, from abuse, or from just being ignored.
Your sponsorship allows for the equipping of safe places that children deserve. Holy ground for them.
I hope that Christmas for you and your family is a refuge — enjoying good food, getting great presents, and getting some rest!
And when you worship this Christmas, and when you read about the stable and manger — think “safe place.” And remember how pleased Jesus is when children are welcomed and protected and loved.
Merry Christmas!
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All children deserve a “safe place,” and I am SO GRATEFUL for Compassion …….. because they have enabled me to be part of the Safe Place Network.
And I’m also liking the image of the stable as a Safe Place. Thank you for this post! 🙂