As I sit here in my cubical complaining to myself that it is so cold and why can’t “they” get the temperature right in the building, I am reminded of our dedicated staff throughout the world.
Having lived in a developing country, I know all too well that electricity is a luxury, water is not to be taken for granted, and comfort is not even a part of the language. I recall the 85-year-old woman in Mexico who slept five days outside on the ground so I would have a bed. This was her gift to God, and the joy it brought her seared my heart.
In this moment, I am humbled and ashamed of my petty complaints.
I am in awe of the staff in Haiti with their resilience in the midst of hardship and tragedy — how they serve God and all of us in the Global Ministry Center without thought of reward.

I am encouraged by the report of a Leadership Development Program student who was appointed to parliament in Uganda. She grew up with Compassion and now is a voice for her country.
I am brought to tears as I read reports of how God has sustained our children and the countless miracles that take place daily. I praise God that my sponsored child has accepted the Lord and prays for me daily and, because of Compassion and the Lord, is blossoming into a beautiful young woman full of promise.
Each day we have the choice to choose life or death. To choose to be thankful in all things or to grumble and complain. To worship God by serving each other with joy or to expect others to serve us. To be like Jesus or to be consumed with self.
May we be like Jesus, who did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.
I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. — Philippians 1:3–6
Prayer: Father, grant us Your heart for mankind. May we serve with gladness, knowing that You will complete the work You have begun in us. May we regard each other as more important than ourselves and become more like Jesus every day.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Kathie Rossback is a finance contract manager at the Global Minstry Center in Colorado Springs, Colo.
Read all the One in Spirit devotionals.
9 Comments |Add a comment
It is a great joy to serve. Thanks for the post, it reminds us that in serving we remain connected with reality and keeps us thanking God.
Thank you for the wonderful post.
It is very encouraging to serve the Lord. We were created to worship God and one of the ways we worship God is our service to each other and the creation. ( Genesis 1,2 ). I thank God for giving me the opportunity to Know and serve Him.
Marvellous post. This reminded me when I was admitted to work for Compassion International Rwanda: God’s will operated on time in the right place. Brethren, let our servant-hood shine and help our front-line churches strive for excellence, understanding their mission to take care and advocate for the needy.
Great Post indeed. This has encouraged me to thank God for want he has enabled me to achieve and stop lamenting of want I don’t have . But profound is to serve the children in the Ministry more better.
True. its a joy to serve
i did not come to to be served but serve and give my life as a ransom for many children
Important post– so true. Thank you for sharing, and the photo is ADORABLE! What sweet faces!
Great post! I just had to remind myself yesterday, when I really felt like complaining, that what I was complaining about was really a luxury to others around the world.
This post also reminded me of the first time I visited the Country Office in the Dominican Republic, on a trip with Compassion, and the air conditioner was blasting and we felt quite cold in there! A couple days later, we stopped there quickly before heading north and several of us went inside. It was definitely not as cold that time. We found out that they had turned up the air conditioning specifically for our visit! I was touched by what a thoughtful gesture they made, but it also made me laugh at how we were all sitting there freezing!
Excellent post. Thank you. Many comforts we take for granted, our sponsored children will never even know. We need to remember this always.