How Compassion Builds Healthy Partnerships With Churches

Building Healthy Partnerships Acceptance

How does Compassion build healthy partnerships with the local church? Discover eight ways we ensure we’re working together to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name.

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Ghana Culture and Traditions

Traditions of Ghana: Warrior King

Until its independence, Ghana was known as the Gold Coast. It was renamed Ghana, meaning “Warrior King,” to reflect the ancient Ghana Empire that flourished in West Africa during the 10th century.

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Jacki Nyaga

Ministry Insider: Jackie Nyaga, A Voice for Children in Poverty

Our field staff are some of the most remarkable people around! Jackie Nyaga is no exception.

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infographic depicting Compassion blog goals

Where Do You Want to Go? The Compassion Blog “Rethunk”

This blog post has one purpose: to refine the vision for the Compassion blog. That might mean we simply affirm what the blog’s purpose has been for the last few years. Or it might mean we come up with something new. Either way, now is the time to tell us what we should focus on.

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An office with a woman in an orange blouse sitiing behind a computer

One Step Forward: Virtual Communication

The implementation of virtual conferences and online training modules in El Salvador has allowed our staff to move one step forward in how they communicate with one another.

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man talking to woman with hand on her shoulder

Trust in the Workplace: Is It Possible?

Everyone wants to be trusted for their character and their competence. But in our relationships with each other, we often say or do things that can easily undermine trust.

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