Celebrating Christmas in El Salvador

It is sunrise on Friday, just a week before Christmas. The morning smells fresh and the sun shines strongly. A light breeze fills the air with that cool Christmas feeling. For a foreigner, it would almost feel like spring, but for Salvadorans, it feels like Christmas.
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When a sponsored child has to depart our program early, It can be heartbreaking for the Compassion center staff and sponsors who have invested so much love into their lives. Read how our church partners across Honduras are responding to the unique struggles the families they serve face in order to keep children in the program.
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Meet Our Friend, Bob Lenz
Bob Lenz is one of our ministry’s speaker partners. Poverty takes many forms, and Bob Lenz has given his life to helping young people who struggle most with poverty of the heart.

Junior’s Story: Hope in the Midst of Danger
Junior was 5 years old when he joined Compassion’s program. Now 17, he faces many pressures and dangers within his community of Portoviejo, Ecuador.

Hardworking and Blessed
Most of the people living in Majucla are hardworking people, from ladies selling tortillas in the streets or vegetables in the local street market to hardworking men working in construction or as bus or taxi drivers. But Majucla has a stigma.

Behind the Façade, This Is God’s Island
What does a child do when her greatest earthly protector turns out to be a predator? What does she think about her heavenly Father when her earthly father is her abuser?