Poverty Affects Children’s Health: Facts & One Girl’s Story

How does poverty affect health? Poverty impacts those in poverty in many ways, including physically, emotionally and spiritually. Learn the facts and what you can do to help here.

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Bolivian Church Helps Father of 7 Get Back on the Road

A father and his two children swing on a swing set in Bolivia. A dog is with them.

Richart has seven children. When he was diagnosed with hydrocephalus — a serious condition where fluid builds up on the brain — he worried how he could afford treatment, especially as he couldn’t work. With the support of a Compassion church partner in Bolivia, he received the care he needed.

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A boy with a patch over his eye smiles.

What Happens When an Unsponsored Child Needs Emergency Care?

Here’s how ministry supporters helped Compassion to step in and offer support for 4-year-old Yoskiel and his family in Indonesia when he was diagnosed with eye cancer at age 3 — just a few months after he joined our program and didn’t yet have a sponsor.

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Girl standing in a doorway wearing a dress with a flower print.

Tough Questions: “How Did You End Up Living in Poverty?”

The causes of poverty vary widely. Poverty can be purely geographical: Simply where you are born can dictate so much about your life.

But although poverty is often passed down for generations, the plunge to life below the poverty line can also be blind-siding. These families share their experiences of being born into poverty or ending up there because of changing circumstances.

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Abel, a boy who recently won a cancer battle, smiles at the camera. He is wearing a red sweater

Why Abel Never Lost Hope During His Cancer Battle

Jonah and the whale. Daniel and the lion’s den. Esther saving her people. David facing Goliath. These are all beloved Bible stories for children and are guaranteed to come up when you ask a Sunday school class what their favorite stories are. One story you would not expect to be a 13-year-old’s favorite is the story of Job and his suffering. But for Abel, there was deep meaning in Job’s story.

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A girl in Thailand stands under an umbrella in the rain

Suffering in Silence: The Menstruation Taboo

In many impoverished communities, menstruation is a stigmatized issue shrouded in silence, secrecy and shame. Here are just three personal and societal aspects of life that are restricted when menstruation becomes unmentionable.

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Smiling Livingstone standing in an alley in front of his family

How Your Sponsorship Is Key During a Health Crisis

Here are three ways child sponsorship becomes more important than ever during a health crisis such as COVID-19.

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A girl laughs, face in her hands.

Period Poverty: My REAL Most Embarrassing Moment

I’ve told very few people about my REAL most embarrassing moment. But it’s something that girls in poverty around the world have to face every day.

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A boy in a black argyle sweater stands on a scale, smiling.

How Does Sponsorship Help Kids Physically?

When you sponsor a child, they are helped in many different ways. Learn how sponsorship helps children develop physically.

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community health education

Promoting Good Health Education

Children registered in our program in Peru are taught good health practices according to age group as well as location.

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child's face

What Are Complementary Interventions?

What are Complementary Interventions? How do Complementary Interventions help children living in the developing world?

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A group of children sitting on the ground

What Is the Opposite of Poverty?

Our ministry often refers to the “opposite of poverty.” And, you might think that we are referring to wealth. The opposite of poor is obviously rich, right?

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