Is Compassion International Trustworthy?

Is Compassion International trustworthy? Compassion has been a trusted Christian charity since 1952. Learn more about Compassion and our stewardship.
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$43 a month. That’s how much it costs to sponsor a child through Compassion, which is more than the price of sponsorship at some organizations. The difference sometimes leads to questions such as: What does my child get each month for $43?”, and “Where is the money going that isn’t going to the children?”.
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The Virtue of Integrity
Integrity is a virtue for moral decision making and personal character building.

Living in Integrity
To walk in integrity is to proceed correctly before God and men. It is to give without expecting something in return.

Who Do You Say We Are?
Every decision we make is based on our “distinctives” — child focused, church based, Christ centered and committed to integrity. But do we actually live up to this?
Purifying Fire: Burning Away Our Impurities
This work is imperfect because it involves people. Compassion is not program-focused (though program models are used) – it’s intensely, insanely, beautifully child-focused. And sometimes, all of the questions in your letters don’t get answered. Sometimes a child drops out of the program and you don’t get an explanation. Sometimes, you feel frustrated because you want something to work better.

How Do We Preserve the Integrity of Our Programs?
With programs in 25 countries, many people wonder how we maintain the excellence and good stewardship of our operations around the world. In addition to annual external audits, we ensure the highest integrity in our programs through internal auditing.
Internal auditing, both in the development centers and country offices, is designed to determine how well our operations are running and to identify weaknesses that are causing goals and objectives to go unmet.
Actions Have Consequences
Our ability to take ownership of our actions is a necessary skill in escaping any strain of poverty – physical, emotional or spiritual. Actions have consequences. It’s something God tried to show us through Adam and Eve.

Live With Integrity
Integrity is not common.
“But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” – Matthew 7:14, NIV
To live with integrity means:
What is Integrity?
Integrity is another one of our core values. But what does that mean? What is integrity?
“Integrity means doing the same thing whether people are with you or whether you are alone.” – Ed Anderson, senior vice president and chief financial officer
Integrity doesn’t just apply to big decisions. It also applies to your small decisions. It pertains to your whole life.
Integrity is doing the right thing, not necessarily the popular thing.
Integrity is being honest, upstanding and having a strong character.
Officially, for Compassion, integrity is:
“… aligning our thoughts, motivations, attitudes and actions with the ethical principles found in God’s Word. In both our personal lives and our ministry, what we believe, what we say and what we do should be consistent, congruent, reliable and transparent.”
- Do you think that the children at our child development centers ever “get tired” of “pleasing” the sponsors who briefly, but regularly visit many of the same centers on our sponsor tours?
- If the children do “get tired” and would rather be doing something else but can’t admit that they don’t want to greet another group of sponsors, for whatever reason, is this a matter of integrity?
- If it is a matter of integrity, of not aligning our thoughts with our actions, who is out of alignment? The child? The sponsor? Compassion?