Facts About Nicaragua: The Land of Lakes and Volcanoes

Girl wearing a green dress and pink sandals and is sitting with a friend, wearing a white shirt, a red skirt and black sandals. They are sitting in one of the newly constructed classrooms of a Compassion center. The project tutor is in the front of the classroom, wearing a red plaid shirt and blue pants.

Nicaragua is home to beautiful Caribbean beaches, active volcanoes and Central America’s largest lake. And amid its natural beauty, you’ll find even more beautiful people and culture. Learn some interesting facts about Nicaragua that will help you get to know this vibrant country where so many Compassion-assisted children live.

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Life in Rural Nicaragua

woman in the market standing in front of a bowl of gourds

The roads are muddy with many puddles during the rainy season. During the summer it is very dry and dusty. Plantations are on each side of the road and a few houses here and there. People move on bikes, motorcycles, or horses, except for the very few who have a vehicle. Because of the climate changes, crops were lost and people need to find other ways to survive.

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Life in Urban Nicaragua

Managua’s economy is based mainly on trade. It has suffered two devastating earthquakes over the course of the 20th century — in 1931 and again in 1972 — that destroyed the center of the city, which has not been rebuilt. Managua is the economic, political, cultural, commercial and industrial center of Nicaragua.

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young girl hitting piñata in front of crowd of children

Christmas in Nicaragua

The festive decorations and music create an atmosphere of celebration. Bible verse competitions are held among the different ages. They also have a piñata, party jumper, delicious lunch and a short devotion by the pastor. Distributing the much-anticipated Christmas presents is the final highlight.

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