Thank You for Defending the Cause of the Weak

As a sponsor your whole relationship with us is one of focusing on others. But during the Christmas season your commitment to the children and families we serve is always magnified.

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This past holiday season, through our Gifts of Compassion catalog, you joined with others to care for God’s most vulnerable ones and responded to His Word, which calls us to:

“Defend the cause of the weak and the fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed” (Psalm 82:3, NIV).

Your impact is being felt all over the world! Your creative gifts are helping:

  • 16,000 families and their neighbors in Haiti fight waterborne diseases such as cholera, typhoid, E. coli and hepatitis A.
  • 3,000 families in Kenya build a better future by providing a stable means of economic support and food generation.
  • vaccinate more than 2,500 children in Burkina Faso against meningitis.
  • provide 200 children in Ghana with school fees, uniforms and books.

And that’s just some of what you made possible. You can find out more at

May God bless you as we begin a new year of Compassion together. Thank you.

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  1. Robbie January 25, 2011

    Thank you! to everyone at Compassion International for all you do to “care for God’s most vulnerable ones and responded to His Word” We are thankful we can partner with you to help others.

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