Limitless Grace: Thriving in God’s Purpose Without Limbs

Grace is seen smiling outside her home in Uganda.
Photos & Field Reporting: Helen Manson

“My motto is that disability is not inability. With God, all things are possible.” — Grace

Grace, a young woman living in rural Rwanda, was born without three of her limbs. From a young age, Grace suffered painful words and unimaginable loss from those who called her a curse. But through the support of a special woman and the local church, Grace discovered she has a God-given purpose. Now, she lives and dreams without limits.

“You’re Nothing But a Curse”

When Grace was born, many of her family members saw her disability as a curse. Some of her family members even pressured her parents to kill her.

“When I was born, my family and relatives thought I was a curse. They tried to convince my mother to stop breastfeeding me so that I would die of hunger. They said that nothing like this had ever happened in their clan before and that as soon as I was born even the livestock started dying.” — Grace

But Grace’s parents thought she was beautiful from the moment they laid eyes on her. Beransiira, Grace’s mother, remembers the day she was born: “When I saw my baby, I just thanked God…I loved what came out of my womb, that which God created within me.”

A woman, Grace's mother, stands in the doorway of their home in Uganda wearing a yellow shirt
Grace’s Mother, Beransiira, would do anything to protect her precious daughter.

Unfortunately, threats from Grace’s family intensified. Her own uncle threatened to murder her father if Grace and “her curse” were not taken from this world. But Beransiira and her husband would do anything to protect their precious daughter.

Because Grace’s father refused to give in to his family’s demands, he was murdered. Thieves took his life as he worked as a security guard protecting a nearby home. And those thieves? They were thought to be organized by his own brothers.

No Time to Mourn, Only Time to Flee

Beransiira had no time to mourn her husband. To protect her daughter’s life, she had to flee her home immediately. With Grace and her four siblings in tow, Beransiira fled to Uganda.

Instead of finding refuge and security, Beransiira found more threats from her husband’s family who lived nearby. They still weren’t safe. But that’s when God sent Betty, a woman who would change the course of Grace’s life forever.

Betty, a local Ugandan village leader, stands outside wearing a green dress and smiling
Betty stepped in and cared for Grace and her family, despite having a big family of her own.

Finding Compassion in More Ways Than One

Beransiira turned to Betty, a local Ugandan village leader, for help. Filled with compassion for the family, Betty told Beransiira she would care for them.

“When I heard Beransiira’s story, my heart was filled with compassion toward her, and I offered to help. Grace came to live with me when she was just 4 years old. At the time she was tiny and very malnourished. She was in a bad condition. I already had many children of my own, so I wasn’t sure what life with Grace was going to look like, but I took her in anyway.” — Betty

Betty’s authority in the community commanded protection for the family, allowing Grace to experience a childhood free from fear. With Betty’s help, Grace and her family could finally experience the love and safety they deserved.

Grace and her mother sit on the ground looking through a photo album together
Grace and her mom sharing happy memories together of their time together in Uganda.

Grace Experiences Jesus’ Compassion for Her

Betty soon registered Grace with the Compassion center at her local church, where Grace received the critical medical care, nutritious meals and other essentials she needed to begin to heal. And instead of hatred and ridicule, she received acceptance and love.

“I think if Grace had never joined the Compassion program, she would not be alive today. When I think back to when she first came to my place, tiny, malnourished, without medical interventions, without school fees, rejected by her family — her mother trying to figure out what to do with her. I think that without the Compassion program she would be dead.” — Betty

As those at the center surrounded her with encouragement and care, Grace began to experience Jesus’ love and compassion for her too.

Her family’s hatred and pursuit of her and the painful words of other children had hurt her deeply, leaving her feeling less than and left out. But all of that began to change as she grew in her relationship with Jesus.

Grace started to feel less like a curse and more like a woman with a God-given purpose. She began to believe she was limitless.

“Compassion helped me to know God and grow in him deeply. I learned not to live in self-pity, but to press forward and pursue my goals and involve myself in activities with others. And over time, I grew to accept and love myself.” — Grace

Grace sits in a circle of friends from church

“I Believe I Can Do Anything”

Grace has grown in confidence and now believes that she can do anything. By finding her identity in Jesus, Grace now focuses on her abilities instead of her disability.

“I think people believe that those of us with disabilities are useless and can’t do much in the earth. To them, we’re not useful or productive. But I’ve never thought like that. Whatever normal people do with limbs, I can do them too. For instance, I cook, I am able to mop our house, I’m able to wash, and so I’m not limited. I have a goal of being a journalist one day and doing radio presentations. I believe I can do anything.”— Grace

Grace sits on a mat on the ground outside, reading a book

Grace knows that with God, she and anyone living with a disability can truly live without limits. She continues to work toward her dreams and God-given purpose, knowing full well that nothing can stop her.

God’s Word says that we are more than conquerors through him (Romans 8:37). With God, we’re limitless, and Grace’s life is undeniable proof.

“I trust that my testimony has a purpose and a big one at that. To encourage other people like me, termed as disabled; to know they have a purpose, that God loves them and they can make it in life.” — Grace

Just like Grace, millions of children and young people are learning to see beyond the limits of poverty and into their God-given potential. How? Through the love of those serving as the hands and feet of Jesus: sponsors, supporters and local churches around the world.

You can help a child live without limits by providing the care they need to see beyond poverty and into a brighter future.

Stories and photos were collected by photojournalist Helen Manson. This article was originally published Sept. 18, 2018.

Help a Child Live Without Limits

Become a child sponsor to help release a child from poverty in Jesus’ name.

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23 Comments |Add a comment

  1. Karen Boczkiewicz August 19, 2021

    Grace you are a miracle- for God has revealed in you hope and His great love for you ! I pray that you will be covered in blessings and joy.

  2. Rick Miller November 25, 2020

    Through the precious life of Grace, God has given her, her mother, Betty and so many others the opportunity to love God and others while giving the Lord God and Jesus Christ the glory! Her life is a strong testimony of Gods intervention superseding all circumstances. May God continue to bless and provide for Grace and her family and give all of us the courage to step forward and do what we know to be right and rely on God for the results!
    Grace, you, your mother, Betty and her family are in my prayers!

  3. Kay Coley November 24, 2020

    Grace is such a beautiful young woman. I greatly admire the love & courage of her mother & Betty to get her to a place where she could flourish & learn about our Lord & Savior. As a former vocational rehabilitation counselor I fully understand the challenges Grace has overcome to become a productive member of her community. I send her my best wishes for a wonderful future in following Our Lord’s will for her life.

  4. Sally McGushion June 28, 2020

    Thank you Cameron for your wonderful writing and I imagine an inspiration to Grace herself.
    I know God has amazing plans for beautiful & bright Grace and maybe one day we’ll be blessed to read Grace’s book on her life’s story of faith, incredible courage & love from her parents, Betty, and Compassion , and Faiths own perseverance through it all.
    My prayers & love are with you all.

  5. Lynda Alford June 28, 2020

    This is a wonderful story and may God and Compassion help Grace to meet her goals.

    Lynda Alford

  6. Gordon Anderson June 27, 2020

    What a wonderful story of grace and love for Grace, a beautiful child of our loving God, and the love of her mother and Betty, and the wonderful inspirational ministry of Compassion International. You are in my prayers every night Grace as I pray for all the children and leaders in the Compassion Child Development Centers located in the Compassion Church Partner located all around the world. God bless ou Grace.

  7. Vincent Odwar June 27, 2020

    Thanks to the Almighty God .God has a plan for everyone.

  8. Patricia Lanford June 27, 2020

    This is a beautiful testimony from a beautiful young lady. Just a reminder that all things are possible with God!

  9. Ann Mixter June 27, 2020

    Thank you for sharing this story of this beautiful young woman. I love Grace’s smile. She is a true blessing from God.

  10. Sharrol June 27, 2020

    I was so moved by this story and testimony of Grace. She is special and sure she will be used by God to do great things. ❤️

  11. Maria McFarland June 27, 2020

    Grace, you are a testimony of God’s love!! You can do anything you want!! So proud of You!!❤️

  12. Donna Chavez June 27, 2020

    Grace is so BEAUTIFUL ❤️

  13. Ojok Albert June 27, 2020

    I pray God’s blessings upon Grace and her new family.

  14. Darlene Hammel June 27, 2020

    I had the utmost privilege to work with children with disabilities. I always told the children how their disabilities did not define who they are but who they are not. They are not a disabled child but a child with a disability. Since I worked in an elementary school I had to secretly tell them how God loved them and had great plans for them.
    I know one thing, those children taught me more than I ever taught them. They taught me to persevere under ALL circumstances and to never give up when things are more difficult for them than for most kids.
    Grace has reminded me of that. I am so grateful for this story and for Grace and her family. Again, this shows how God uses everything / everyone for His glory. Thank you Grace. May God continue to bless you and your family.

  15. Mark June 27, 2020

    Grace, thank you for encouraging others with your life. Joni Earickson Tada, a quadriplegic, has always encouraged me. I think, if she can make it, I can make it. Thank you for encouraging others with the wonderful love and mercy of God.

  16. Leanne June 27, 2020

    I love the story of Grace! Perfect name, for her life is full of the grace of God! Thank you for sharing!

  17. marietta robinson June 27, 2020

    What a powerful testimony !

  18. Susan March 4, 2020

    Thank you, for this beautiful testimony! I can see that you have so much to offer! Keep up your great work!


  19. John August 17, 2019

    Grace is very beautiful. I see she will likely soon become the mother of her own children if that is possible.

  20. JustMe April 21, 2019

    I absolutely love hearing stories like this!

  21. Caroline A Mwinemwesigwa January 22, 2019

    Amen. May she indeed be as great as God planned it from the beginning!

  22. Paul Tumwesigye October 25, 2018

    This is a true example of giving hope to the hopeless, May Gods name be praised

  23. Garrison Nyantee September 23, 2018

    Thanks be to God for Little Grace, and the mother who took them in. I believe every human was created for a purpose; and Grace purpose will be met in Jesus’ name, Amen. Disablity is not inability. No one determine the destiny of a person. I am also a testimony.

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