I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the people who work for and on behalf of this ministry. As I was meditating on this subject today, something just opened my eyes, letting me see more than I had seen until now.
It just hit me: We are men and women working together under the single most important statement that a human being has ever made.
We are serving the Messiah, the Son of the living God. That’s who we are; we are one by this undeniable truth.

There are no boundaries for us, no impossibilities. We are unstoppable, and we have no parallel. There are no limits for what we can accomplish, no dream is unreachable, no land is unavailable, no person is out of our grasp, all because of the truth of that one statement.
This is you and me, men and women who have put our trust in this transcendent truth. This is who we are; this is our identity. We are His, forever bound to His mercy, forever in debt for His undeserved grace.
Isn’t this amazing? Isn’t it just incredible that all of this is ours?
We are the people who form a family. Men and women of God, fighting each day the good battle, united as one and standing tall on this powerful statement, trying to do the best we can so in the end we can say we did what we were called to do, to serve Him and those around us.
This is us, brothers and sisters united in one by His holy name, by His eternal sacrifice, by His faithfulness and love, by this truth.
We are imperfect people, different, reprehensible, sinful, but justified by the only one who is just.
We are one in Him, and as one, we live by this one statement: “He is the Christ, the Son of the living God!”
“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” —Matthew 16:15–16, NIV
Prayer: Lord, help us to always remember that the reason for our daily efforts is that you are the Christ, the Son of the living God, and someday we will see you face to face.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Angélica Pérez Allende works as a Project Communications Manager for Compassion Mexico.
Read all the One in Spirit devotionals.
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I love this post! We are all working together to change lives by the power of Jesus.