If you have ever seen an African anthill against a backdrop of one of those stunning African sunsets, you will realize that King Solomon was onto something when he challenged people to learn from the ants.(Proverbs 6:6, 30:25).

I am intrigued by what powerful lessons King Solomon — the wisest of men who ever lived, according to the Scriptures — might have learned as he gazed at the little ants busy about his palace.
Might he have observed how ants work as teams? Did he stop to wonder at how ants inherently trust each other and how they foster collaboration regardless of each individual’s size or strength?
Could he have been inspired at how ants are diligent and focused about their work, and how if something disturbs their normal rhythm they quickly regroup?
King Solomon was a mighty builder of palaces. Might he have gaped at how ants build awe-inspiring anthills without sophisticated tools? Would he not have agreed with that simple yet insightful saying from Nigeria: “The anthills are not built by elephants, but by the collective efforts of the little ants?”
I think if King Solomon were alive today, he would challenge us this way: “So you feel overwhelmed by future? And you are struggling to cope with change in an ever-turbulent environment? You want to bear good fruit and much fruit, yet you struggle to juggle limited resources? Go and learn from the ants!”
“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.” —Matthew 18:19, NIV
Prayer: Lord, remind us that our wisdom and our success lie not in size and individual brilliance, but rather in faithfulness to your work and being united to one another.

Read all the One in Spirit devotionals.
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First of all, Proverbs is my favorite book in the bible. I truly believe that wisdom is more precious than anything else.
Secondly, the example of the ants is so powerful. In our modern day world, people are so isolated from each other. The villages and communities that were instrumental in days gone by—-are practically non-existent. Many people struggle to take care of their four and no more.
Hezekiah Walker’s song, I Need You to Survive, really brings this point home. We as believers are not meant to walk this journey alone. With wisdom, we can make divine connections that will help propel us into our destiny.
“The anthills are not built by elephants, but by the collective efforts of the little ants?” This is such an appropriate saying.
Ants always remind me of community. There strength comes from there connected little lives. This is a powerful example of how our collective efforts in life can bring about the change we all pray for!
Thanks for sharing this piece!