2017 Annual Report: The Impact of Your Compassion

How can you measure compassion? There are simply no numbers in the world that can reflect the eternal impact of one person displaying compassion for another. But the tracking and reporting of resources entrusted to us is one small but vitally important way we can quantify your faithful act of compassion in partnering with us.

Enter our 2016-2017 Annual Report.

We share it with you not only because we firmly believe in financial accountability and integrity, but because on both sides of the numbers in this report are stories of God’s faithfulness. Even though the individual stories go deeper than any of us can imagine, these numbers reflect a larger story of how we are all working together to release children from poverty in Jesus’name.

Our 2016-2017 partnership with you has led to 20 years of consecutive growth in which we surpassed $817 million in revenue. Here is how that revenue was used:

2017 Annual Report: The Impact of Your Compassion

Take a glimpse at some of the big highlights from the year:

2017 Annual Report: The Impact of Your Compassion

Visit our Financial Integrity page for more information and to view or download the full 2016-2017 Annual Report.

Have a question or suggestion for next year’s annual report? Leave a comment below. We’d love to hear from you!

4 Comments |Add a comment

  1. JustMe May 1, 2019

    Great to know that as of June 2017, I was a part of this! šŸ˜€

  2. matthew Aboah January 25, 2018

    wooow great work

  3. Nuwagaba Peter January 25, 2018

    I greatly and humbly thank you for all kind works you do

    In our village, your sent group registered people to help them
    and are still gladly awaiting you.


  4. Christine January 23, 2018

    Such a blessing!!

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