During the rough times the world is facing, the Lord has allowed us to be His arms and legs as we are part of this ministry. I believe many of us have had the moment to wonder, as we sit in front of a computer, run from one meeting to another, send a couple of emails, talk to people in the hall, or write notes to ourselves so we don’t forget the gathered information:
How can we change the world by doing this?
The best moments serving in this ministry are the opportunities to be part of making one life at a time different. When I started my new position, one of the first training experiences I received was to work on a Complementary Interventions proposal for Josue.

Josue was a child hovering between life and death after a terrible accident. Doctors had walked out on the case hopelessly, and Josue himself had abandoned every dream and hope of survival. I can only say “Thank God I was not alone!”
It was not my task alone; many people were involved in the writing, approving, funding, and whole process of bringing Josue back to life! For the glory of the Lord, at this moment, Josue is back in his regular life activities. It has been such a blessing to find him shopping by the grocery store near my house.
We are all regular persons with needs. Perhaps at times we have all had to cry while we try to get the work done. No matter the reason for those tears, the Lord reminds us that our tears will turn into shouts of joy. Let’s praise the Lord for the harvest He will bring and the joy this will be!
Restore our fortunes, LORD, like streams in the Negev. Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. — Psalm 126:4–5, NIV
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for allowing us to serve You. We need You much more than You need us, but please use our daily work to change lives. Let us have the joy of hearing the nations say, “The Lord has worked miracles for His people.”

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Rocio Gomez works as a Complementary Interventions administrator in Honduras.
Read all the One in Spirit devotionals.
6 Comments |Add a comment
A big shout to God for joy and enabling me to see the part i play in serving Him. Sometimes it’s tiring and engaging but the fruits are worth working for. Thanks Rocio for writing.
Thanks for sharing. It is humbling to know that I am part of Jesus’ hands and feet in the world today.
Thank you Jacquie for the information!
You’re welcome! 🙂
Buenos Dias Rocio
Me gustaria que me brindara su correo para poder contactarme con usted y poder enviarle mi curriculum.
Diana – Our e-mail address is [email protected]