group of men and women and children sitting and waiting

The Battle is God’s

Our best-laid plans cannot guarantee success. Our financial resources cannot buy the transformation we seek. Only God can do that.

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smoke from a wildfire


After meeting our staff and church partners on the field, reports of natural disasters, civil unrest and family tragedies suddenly becomes more personal.

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group of people during staff meeting

Children Speak the Truth

Sometimes the lessons we set for those we love are the very lessons the Lord has set for us to learn from. Are we listening?

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Young boy washing the feet of his little brother in Guatemala

Having No Ego

James wrote that a holy life is gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy. Mercy is possible only as we have no ego — no inflated sense of our self-significance.

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girl standing in front of clay pot

Do Whatever He Tells You

The deep truths of God are always revealed to those with an unwavering willingness to do whatever He says.

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close up of two small boys

Humble Listening

How many times do we carefully listen to our employees, young children, sponsored children, or the poor and neglected people in our communities? May Naaman’s story serve as a lesson to us.

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mothers dreams

What Are Your Hopes and Dreams for Your Child?

What are the hopes and dreams mothers in the developing world have for their children?

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group of Filipino women

Don’t Be Afraid to Speak Up!

Leaders do not have a monopoly on great ideas. The best suggestions for change sometimes come from people on the ground.

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Pike's Peak

The Gate to Answered Prayer

God appointed more than our times and places. He also appointed our work.

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group of children in front of Compassion sign

I Love My Job!

Mathilda thanks God every day for her job with Compassion in East Indonesia.

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woman with veiled face

Understanding One Another’s Needs

Are the needs of a man driving a Lexus the same as a man living across the globe who will never own a car? How about the needs of a family who can’t afford bread? How do their needs compare with broken families who eat in separate houses?

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A street in Manila

One In Spirit, Love, and Passion

We are working together for a common purpose. With God as the head, we can move as one to meet the physical and spiritual needs of those who do not get a choice in life.

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