Nothing But Trust
Why should you trust Compassion International with the child you sponsor? Summer Intern Julie Willian shares her journey of first-time sponsorship.

The Making of an Entrepreneur
When a teenage entrepreneur is given the right opportunities to develop, his microenterprise changes the futures of both his family and his community.

A Mother’s Hope
Has your sponsored child ever called you Mom, Dad, Auntie or Uncle? Someone recently asked me if I thought it was demeaning to parents for their child to be sponsored by someone across the world. Does it make them feel inadequate, like they’re not fit to be parents? Maybe this thought has crossed your mind as well.

Kenyan Resiliency: Wounded but Unbowed
In the aftermath of the al-Shabab terrorist attack on Garissa University College, Kenyans have displayed powerful love in tangible ways. Standing in long lines to give blood for the wounded, comforting the grieving, providing supplies for the impacted families and contributing money. One of the most loving and brave things the Kenyans are doing is not surrendering to fear, but choosing life instead.

Carry Your Sponsored Child with You with Compassion International’s Mobile App
Now available for iPhone and Android, the new free Compassion app puts your sponsored child’s picture, biographical details (hobbies, chores, family life, etc.), and information about their church and child development center at your fingertips. It’s now easier than ever to connect with the child you sponsor. Here are just a few of the new features!

The Power of Pity
Pity is a feeling many of us have when we come face-to-face with the misfortunes of others — with those whom we perceive to have less than us. We feel pity when we see things we don’t understand. We feel pity when we feel helpless to act. Many people, myself included, feel pity but that’s as far as it goes. Pity can sometimes stop action from happening.

World Day of Social Justice: To Save His People
Being born in America, eating every day all day any day, being able to read and write, going to university. If you can say yes to any of these you are the minority in this world. You have influence.

Your Child Is in Good Hands
My heart is overflowing as I return to the dry climate and high altitude of my Colorado Springs home from my first trip to the island of the Dominican Republic. I left with a deepened assurance of the investment that the project staff have in each child. Have you ever wondered about the hearts of our staff? I pray that I can convey just a glimpse of the depth of compassion they hold within them.

2014 Annual Report: Where Does The Money Go?
Financial integrity is of extreme importance to us. And so is transparency. Our 2014 Annual Report has been released so you can keep up to date with the who, the what, the where, the how…and specifically, the how much. So where does the money go? Here are a few highlights from our 2014 Annual Report.

The Fight to End Extreme Poverty
The idea of being able to end extreme poverty in the world often feels overwhelming. But with the latest news from the United Nations, coupled with independent research about our sponsorship program, it no longer feels unattainable. In fact, it could even be accomplished within our lifetime. This good news is our motivation to fight harder than ever before to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name!

The Hope in Haiti
In March of 2013, I visited Haiti. I was unprepared for the devastation that I saw and it upset me so much that I cried myself to sleep the first night. I wondered where the hope was in Haiti. Over the course of the next few days I quickly found that hope can rise out of places where we least expect to find it.

Microloans Provide Jobs in Haiti
Families who lost everything in the 2010 Haiti earthquake needed help starting over. That’s why we initiated a low-interest micro loan program to qualified recipients to help them start new businesses in their communities. The results have been spectacular!