are you satisfied with your life

Satisfy the Lord

Doing our duty for the day alone does not suffice; we have to spend time satisfying the Lord by ministering to Him through worship and prayer until our heart is content, after which we can begin to rest.

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how to satisfy your soul

Time to Celebrate and Remember

The blessing of rain the people received gave them physical security and food but didn’t give them spiritual or emotional health. Jesus’ provision in the life of a human being is so that we can be completely satiated and allows us be a source of abundant life.

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carry his water

The River of God

A river is a source of power. It provides irrigation. It flows. Sometimes, it overflows. It can be destructive. It’s a mode of transportation. It’s a place where we can become clean, and a place of refreshment and relaxation. The river of God is full of water.

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do miracles exist

What Miracles Are Made Of

Difficulty is the very atmosphere of miracles. Actually, difficulty is a miracle in its first stage. If it’s to be a great miracle, the condition is not just difficulty, it’s impossibility.

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god has a purpose for you

God Thinks About You

God has a purpose for each one of us, and His intention is to bless us and shape the character of Christ in us. For those who walk under His will, everything that happens in life has a divine purpose.

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god won't leave you

I See God in That Bag of Ice

At that very moment, it was as if God said, “You are not alone. I am with you.” A supernatural peace came over them. That bag of ice was a symbol that God was not surprised by this accident and that He would care for us throughout the ordeal that followed.

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the lord will not forsake you

The Lord Will Not Forsake Me

Parents may fail because they are human, but God’s love is inexhaustible. God will pick us up even if our parents abandon us.

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Grace of God

John 6:9 is a miraculous story where Jesus fed 5,000 men (not including women and children). What an amazing thing to be part of a miracle like this.

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cover of devotional book titled One in Spirit

The Pursuit of Perfection

Have you ever thought about the challenge we Christians are given in Matthew 5:48? “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

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group of children being taught in church

Experts of Grace

What kind of impression do you want to leave after your departure from an organization, an assembly, or a country where you have served?

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A mom measuring fabric in the Dominican Republic

Measuring with Mercy

With a very broken heart, Nancy’s life-changing journey began. The Lord revealed to her that she used two very different yardsticks to measure His gifts of mercy and grace.

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man and woman in soccer jerseys

Competing or Collaborating?

Competition often brings conflict, which is natural and can be healthy in the right context. However, it can also divide.

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