Why Help People in Poverty in Other Countries When People Need Help Here?
Our time and resources are finite, yet there seems to be infinite need. We want to be kind to people in poverty and we want to do it wisely. Here are a few things to consider as you struggle through this question for yourself.
Continue Reading ›What Poverty Tourism Gets Wrong
Is poverty tourism just a harmless way to gain insight into what it’s like to live in poverty? Sidney Muisyo explains the underlying and deeply flawed messages that slum tours are based on and can further ingrain in us. He also explains how you can visit an impoverished community in a way that is mutually honoring and beneficial.
Continue Reading ›Compassion Summer Intern: Putting a Face on Poverty
Every summer, 20 university students enroll in our 10 1/2-week internship program for the opportunity to gain professional experience within Compassion. After the Compassion summer intern trip to Guatemala, Veronica Fertzer advocates for all children who live in extreme poverty, not just those in the Compassion program.
Experience Compassion Conference: Colorado Springs 2014
Experience Compassion Conference: June 27-28, 2014 in beautiful Colorado Springs. We’d love to celebrate with you and give you the opportunity to learn more about what we do. Learn more and Register today!
Jesus Loves Me
The sound of children singing praise to Jesus has to be one of the most beautiful sounds. The joy that comes from a relationship with Jesus shows when the children sing.
“I’m Not Broke”
The lies of poverty tell a child that they are broke, unfixable and hopeless. But then there is Jesus. And Jesus tells a very different story.
Our Little Ones Aren’t So Little Anymore
Over the past 60 years more than 1 million children have experienced Compassion. Now, these “little ones” aren’t so little.
Healing Rwanda’s Hurting Children
20 years ago images of the Rwandan genocide horrified us. Today, there are new images to be seen in Rwanda.
The Cost of Child Labor [INFOGRAPHIC]
Child laborers are not simply working an after-school job. They are children who have had their safety, education and childhoods taken from them.
They Have Dreams Too
Somewhere, a young man in extreme poverty gets a sparkle in his eye when he thinks of computers. And when he walks the dirt roads of his town, he imagines the words he will write to his sponsor.
The Locust Effect: How Violence Plagues the Poor
The locusts of everyday violence have been allowed to swarm unabated in the developing world. And they are laying waste to the hope of the poor. – Gary Haugen and Victor Boutros
Human Trafficking Awareness Day: What is a Child’s Life Worth?
Today is Human Trafficking Awareness Day. By learning the facts about this terrible crime against humanity, you can be the change for exploited children around the world.
Five Fast Facts About Africa
You may have heard Africa referred to as the “Dark Continent.” Did you know that name has nothing to do with skin tone, but was coined by 19th century European explorers because of the mystery this vast land held?
Prayer Requests for the Philippines
The following is an email sent to many Compassion employees on Sunday by Menchit Wong, our child advocacy director. It contains new prayer requests and an update on previous prayer requests for our Philippines brothers and sisters, in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan.